國立臺灣大學政治學系Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University包宗和Bau, T.H.T.H.Bau2017-09-082018-06-282017-09-082018-06-281991-12http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/281765七○年代後國際體系權力分配之多元化以及東西敵對意識之下降,促使亞太區域經濟力量之興起及經濟結構多元化之取向。而區域內相互依存性正在逐斷提升,經濟整合亦在進行當中,貿源再分配也成為日益關注的課題。亞太經濟情勢之變化,反過來深化了國際體系多元化的發展,並且進一步降低了亞太各國間之異質性。The multipolarization of international system and the relaxation of East-west relationship characterized the period of 1970’s and 1980’s. all of these brought about the rise of Asia-Pacific economic powers and the multipolarization of economic structure in this region. Interdependence among nations economic integration and the redistribution of resources become more and more the issue with which people are concerned. Likewise, the change of Asia-Pacific economic conditions furthers the multipolarization of international system and reduces the heterogeneity among nations in this area.國際體系變遷對亞太經濟情勢的衝擊The Impact of Changing Interational System on Asia-Pacific Economic Conditionsjournal article