生命科學院: 生態學與演化生物學研究所指導教授: 胡哲明鄭怡如Cheng, Yi-RuYi-RuCheng2017-03-022018-07-062017-03-022018-07-062016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/272638十九世紀末,日本帝國在南進政策下,以臺灣為重要根據地,針對東南亞及太平洋地區展開系統性的資源調查。當時中央研究所林業部 (現林業試驗所) 及臺北帝國大學 (現臺灣大學) 皆參與南洋地區資源的調查工作。其中在太平洋島嶼的植物資源調查,又以分別隸屬上述兩單位的日本植物學家─金平亮三及細川隆英的採集最具代表性。然而過往國立臺灣大學植物標本館 (TAI) 館藏及文獻資料中有關太平洋地區 ﹝尤指密克羅尼西亞 (Micronesia)﹞之標本,從未建立完整的資料庫,也鮮有研究針對植物標本歷史進行探討。 本研究透過整理建置密克羅尼西亞植物標本資料庫,分析當時植物資源調查的研究概況,並探究臺北帝大植物學者在其中扮演的角色和貢獻。目前研究結果顯示,臺大植物標本館的密克羅尼西亞標本館藏,共計4771筆,145科,573屬,1087種。大部份標本記錄來自細川隆英 (佔89%) ,而以在帛琉 (Palau) 物種數602種,標本數1644份、波納佩 (Pohnpei) 307種,標本數1054份、馬里亞納 (Mariana) 288種,標本數777份、科斯雷 (Kosrae) 216種,484份標本、楚克 (Chuuk) 189種,463份標本 及雅浦 (Yap) 198種,標本數340份的採集為主。而標本中前五大植物採集科別為:茜草科 (Rubiaceae)、蘭科 (Orchidaceae)、禾本科 (Gramineae)、豆科 (Leguminosae)、莎草科 (Cyperaceae)。另外,模式標本記錄共計407筆,除原已在TAI2資料庫中之標本資料,尚包含此次整理新找出的模式標本179筆。本研究資料也與其他密克羅尼西亞地區的植物誌進行比對,結果顯示以蕨類的屬別差異最多。另針對單一島嶼─波納佩島嶼植物名錄比較,彼此相異的物種數,本研究共計278種,只出現於本研究的物種有87種,而2010年出版的波納佩植物名錄共有551種,只出現於2010年出版資料的有360種,推測其物種的差異可能為採集偏差或是物種新發現。 這些結果資料,對於太平洋地區 (特別是密克羅尼西亞) 的植物研究,提供了很重要的參考資訊。本研究希望透過歷史標本的檢視,填補這段被遺忘的植物採集調查史。Survey of natural resources in the Southeast Asia and the Pacific is one of the most important missions of Japan during its colonization period since late nineteen century. Tens of thousands of specimens were collected in these regions mostly by two Japanese botanists in the early 20th century, Ryozo Kanehira and Takahide Hosokawa. They also represented the two major periods of plant surveys in Taiwan, led by the Department of Forestry of Government Research Institute and the Department of Botany of Taihoku Imperial University (TIU, now National Taiwan University, NTU), respectively. However, these specimens at NTU were never properly inventoried and largely neglected by taxonomists. This study is intended to collect the data from TAI herbarium at NTU and compile a database for future researchers interested in the Pacific flora. More than 4,700 specimens, including 407 types, collected from the Pacific islands were databased at the TAI herbarium (NTU). The specimens were mostly collected by Hosokawa from Micronesian islands, including Palau has 602 species, 1644 specimens, Pohnpei has 307 species, 1054 specimens, Mariana has 288 species, 777 specimens, Kosrae has 216 species, 484 specimens, Chuuk has 189 species, 463 specimens, and Yap has 198 species, 340 specimens. The top five families for these collections are Rubiaceae, Orchidaceae, Gramineae, Leguminosae, and Cyperaceae. These specimens were inventoried into a database, representing 145 families, 573 genera, and 1087 species of vascular plants. The results were compared with other flora of Micronesia, and here is a major difference found in the ferns on genus number. A comparison for the plants in the island of Pohnpei was conducted with a 2010 plant list, there are 87 species only present in our database, out of a total of 278 species, but there are 551 species in 2010 plant list, of which 360 species added as new records. We speculate these differences might be due to the bias of collection and /or new records on Pohnpei. The results will definitely provide valuable information for the studies of Micronesian flora.27123435 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2017/4/28論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)金平亮三細川隆英臺北帝國大學國立臺灣大學植物標本館植物標本密克羅尼西亞Ryozo KanehiraTakahide HosokawaTaihoku Imperial UniversityTAI herbariumSpecimensMicronesia[SDGs]SDG15臺北帝大時期太平洋島嶼的植物資源調查Plant exploration in the Pacific Islands during Taihoku Imperial University period (1928-1945) based on herbarium datathesis10.6342/NTU201600193http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/272638/1/ntu-105-R00b44012-1.pdf