林晃巖臺灣大學:光電工程學研究所蔡慶祥Tsai, Ching-HsiangChing-HsiangTsai2007-11-252018-07-052007-11-252018-07-052006http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/50832顯示器是現今科技資訊交流一個最重要的介面,從早期的黑白屏幕到現今彩色且高畫質的平面顯示器,每躍進一個階段,自然且真實的影像就在我們的生活中扮演更稱職的角色。立體顯示器跳脫了至今二維影像的顯示模式同時提供了更強大的影像重現能力,在積極追求大尺寸、輕薄、高畫質的現代顯示科技,3D影像無疑的賦予人類傳遞資訊的新型態,也為未來的顯示科技勾勒出更高層次的願景。 3D立體影像在許多如軍事、醫學、教育、展覽中早已被廣泛的應用,在不同的應用範圍中對於立體影像的品質需求也大不相同,在不同需求下衍生出立體影像的產生方式自然是大相逕庭,本文參考前人所提出之立體顯示器架構,對於醫學及高品質畫面立體顯示的需求提出在現行技術下可行的架構,利用背投影式的成像方式搭配寬頻帶的相位延遲片(Broadband Retarder)達到立體影像的表現,並符合上述所提大尺寸、輕薄、普遍性佳等等特色,同時對於此一系統進行更深入的研究,利用二位元直接搜尋法(Direct Binary Search)做光學的優化,並廣泛從其基本原理、架構動機,系統設計,到品質分析討論做完整的探討,闡述其優異性。利用此方法,可以應用在成像品質需求較高的醫療行為或是醫學教育方面,將立體顯示的應用層面更加擴展也更為實用。The display is now a most important interface of information interchange, from early black-and-white CRT display to nowadays high-quality colored FPD, when making a leap forward for one stage each time, the stereoscopic image play a more competent role in our life. At the same time, the 3D display has improved the display mode of 2D image and offered stronger ability to reproduce the true image. For the needs of large size, light and thin, and high-quality in the modern display technology, undoubtedly the 3D image transmitting the new-type attitude of information, and also build the more high-level perspective for the display technology in the future. 3D technology has been already extensively applied in many fields like military, medical science, education, and exhibition. The quality demand for the 3D image differs widely in different ranges of application. One design method of the 3-D stereoscopic display system is based on polarization separation of the binocular parallax images. Usually two orthogonal linearly polarized lights are used in such a system, however it suffers from cross-talk between the binocular parallax images in case of tilting the viewer’s polarization glasses. In this paper, we introduce a stereoscopic rear projection display system based on circularly polarized lights to circumvent the drawback of the conventional system. Furthermore, we use a broadband retarder, which is designed by a direct binary search (DBS) algorithm, to provide chromatically non-dispersive stereoscopic images. This method can be designed for high performance stereoscopic requirements such as in those systems for medical application.Contents 摘要 I Abstract II 誌謝 III Table of Contents IV List of Figures VI List of Tables IX Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Fundamentals and Literature Reviews of 3D Display 2.1 Human depth perception 3 2.1.1 Monocular and oculomotor depth cues 3 2.1.2 Binocular depth perception in the natural world 6 2.1.3 Summary 9 2.2 Reviews of 3D display technologies 10 2.2.1 Stereoscopic systems 10 2.2.2 Autostereoscopic systems 14 Chapter 3 Dispersion-Free Stereo Rear-Projection Display 3.1 Theoretical design of the stereo rear-projection display 22 3.2 The theory of the polarization beam splitter 24 3.3 Design of the broadband retarder 28 3.3.1 Principle of birefringence material 28 and retardation plate 3.3.2 Jones matrix and Jones vector 32 3.3.3 Direct binary search algorithm 34 3.3.4 Simulation analysis and experimental results 42 of broadband retarder Chapter 4 Conclusion 671665880 bytesapplication/pdfen-US立體顯示器寬頻帶波板雙眼視差色散stereoscopic displaybroadband retarderparallax imagescolor dispersion最小色散之背投影立體顯示技術A minimum dispersion stereoscopic rear-projection technologythesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/50832/1/ntu-95-R93941037-1.pdf