2013-10-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/649804摘要:是否接受早期復甦,對於社區心跳停止患者存活,存在低於 5%與提昇至高於 30%的顯著差異。國際普遍以觸摸頸動脈脈搏分辨心跳停止,但一般民眾採此法的辨識率不到五成,即便專業醫療者採此法的辨識率,也僅不到六成。而民眾對於意識昏迷者是否有呼吸的正確判斷率,更僅不到三成。因此,現場旁觀者往往不易分辨昏迷者是否心跳停止或正處瀕死狀態,膽怯儘早施救,而錯失前 5分鐘黃金急救先機。 目前國際間仍缺乏有效的科技技術輔助辨識心跳停止,以提供旁觀者儘早CPR 與電擊依據,並正確啟動高階救護。社區心跳停止能被家屬或旁觀者施與 CPR的機會,常不到二成,即便歐美最佳社區,也多僅不到五成。因此,開發具普用性質能協助辨識心跳停止的技術,為顯著提昇早期急救率的關鍵因子,提高對昏迷者心跳停止的辨識能力,藉以提高旁觀者對心跳停止即時復甦的機會。 本研究將首創與大膽應用影像感測資訊技術,開發一般民眾即可簡單使用的心跳停止偵測與辨識技術,獨立成份分析與微動作放大為兩項主要設計核心。透過 App,裝置於手機或平板,提供普羅大眾可隨身攜帶與即時使用的生命偵測器。以二級預防概念,協助民眾早期辨視突發心跳停止(Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest; OHCA),進而即時早期復甦與電擊,有效提高報案訊息正確性,增加 119派遣員即時線上指導急救率,與高階救護隊派赴率,以提昇社區突發心跳停止的優質存活率。 <br> Abstract: The survival of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) varies from as low as 5% without early resuscitation to significantly higher than 30% with early intervention. Common recognition of cardiac arrest with checking carotid pulse is less than 50% correct by the public, and even no more than 60% correct by the professional healthcare providers. Recognition of breathing normally for comatose patient by the public is only less than 30% correct. Poor recognition for cardiac arrest or agonizing situation delays the early resuscitation that should be critically provided in the first five minutes before ambulance arrival. Globally we still lack of effective technology to assist better recognition of cardiac arrest and agonizing situation that may facilitate early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and public access defibrillation (PAD). In community, generally the chance that OHCA could receive prompt bystander CPR accounted less than 20 percent, and only less than 50 percent in certain western communities for best performance. Inventing the technology for cardiac arrest recognition by general public easily and commonly accessed is crucial for better early intervention, early bystander CPR, and early public defibrillation. We invent a wild idea and pioneering research to innovate digital color video recordings signals analysis for cardiac arrest detection and recognition, that would be easily utilized by the general public in any occasions in case with mobile phone or pad. Independent component analysis and video magnification are the two principal skills of design. Through integrating in apps and mobile devices, it may provide the general public an easily accessible and highly mobile system for cardiac arrest detection and differentiation. Adopting the secondary prevention strategy of healthcare, this innovative technology may widely facilitate the bystanders earlier recognizing OHCA, earlier CPR and PAD, better information for emergency 119 calls, better online CPR instruction by 119 call dispatchers, better advanced life support (ALS) ambulance attendance, and that may effectively enhance community-wide cerebral performance survival of OHCA.心跳停止影像辨識技術獨立成份分析影像放大技術公眾使用Cardiac ArrestMedia TechnologyIndependent Component AnalysisVideo MagnificationPublic AccessInnovative Media Technology for Public Access Recognition of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA) (I)