臺灣大學: 人類學研究所陳伯楨; 坂井隆劉俊昱Liu, Jiun-YuJiun-YuLiu2013-03-192018-05-292013-03-192018-05-292011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/247051傳統考古學以層位學及器物類型學作為文化分期的兩大利器,這是考古學發展百年來的基石。在近現代考古遺址中,由於近現代建築工法及地層堆積年代太短,使得層位難以分辨或是混雜;而現代世界貿易體系的建構,則造成物質及文化的快速傳遞,器物的風格類型也隨之傳播,使得器物風格類型混雜,以上兩者均為近現代歷史考古學要應用層位學及類型學來進行年代判定困難的原因,所以除了層位學及類型學以外,尚須藉由建築物及建材原料的特徵來推定建物及地層的使用年代。 位於臺北市中心的臺北機器局遺址為1885年由清朝所建,臺北機器局是臺灣唯一的一個清末機器局遺址,在清代製造槍砲彈藥以及維修機械等,代表著臺灣現代化的原點,而日治時期總督府鐵道部在1900年接收本區後,設立所屬維修鐵道設施的鐵道部臺北工場,代表著鐵道文化在臺灣的深化,爾後由於土地利用的轉變,從工廠設施轉變為屬於鐵道部的日式宿舍群,使得本區的地景產生極大的轉變。每一次轉變的過程也是建物被重新整編、拆除改建與重建的過程,雖然地上風貌產生轉變,但過往的地景卻被以建築遺構的方式保存於地下,這些建築遺構保存了大量的紅磚(煉瓦)結構被建築與毀壞的過程。 本研究嘗試歸納製造工法、出土脈絡與相關歷史資料,來進行臺北機器局遺址出土磚材的基礎編年、產地資料與使用狀況的討論,並嘗試與其他進行磚材研究的學科進行對話,例如二爪磚的年代、生產者判定。目前臺灣考古學界尚未針對出土磚材進行深入的討論,因此本研究也為往後相關的考古工作提供基本資料。另外並從考古學角度出發,從磚材研究的心得,針對近現代文化資產維護議題提出一些看法。Traditionally, archaeology applies stratigraphy and typology to build it’s own foundation of culture sequences. Those two basic methods are not functioned well in late historical (contemporary) archaeology, because time period was too short to form well-deposit stratification and also too much disturbance in stratification. The built of world trade system make the fast transit of materials, cultures and styles, and the transition made difficult for categorize materials and styles in typology. As the reasons above, we have to apply different method to solve dating issues. In this research, the author uses the raw materials to determine the dating of architecture and stratification. Taipei Machinery Bureau located in center Taipei, was built by Qing Government in 1885 and took over by Japanese in 1895. This bureau contained three different land usages in one plant area, administrative area, dormitory area and arsenal area. In Qing period, this arsenal present as the original point of modernism made gunpowder, guns and cannons. Japanese use the bureau buildings as rail maintainess factories continually. In the period of factory operation, Japanese had some modifications to the factories. After 1930’s, the Japanese Government moved the rail maintainess factories to another area and rebuilt the building as dormitory in this area. This also changed the landscape in close area. Although the landscape changed on the ground, but the old landscape be preserved by archaeological context underground as a site. Those “ old” landscape preserved lots of building structure. The basic raw material of those structures was bricks. This research tries to combine archaeological context and some other related research, to build the chronology of those bricks in different stratifications, structures and styles. This research also wants to establish conversation between archaeology and other disciplines. For example, the dating and manufacturer of “two scratches bricks”. Furthermore, the author wants to propose some ideas about the preservation issues of contemporary culture heritage.en-US臺北機器局鐵道部臺北工場歷史考古學近現代考古學二爪磚商標紅磚煉瓦Taipei Machinery Bureauhistorical archaeologycontemporary archaeologytwo scratches bricktrademark red brickRenga臺北機器局遺址出土磚材之研究A Research on Excavated Bricks from the Taipei Machinery Bureau Sitethesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/247051/-1/ntu-100-R95125010-1.pdf