臺灣大學: 戲劇學研究所王安祈劉靜宜Liou, Jing-YiJing-YiLiou2013-04-162018-05-292013-04-162018-05-292011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/257664  論文分為兩大部份:劇本與創作說明。   畢業作品共兩齣:一為原創劇本《俠女》、一為改編作品《歸鄉》。   《俠女》為根據唐傳奇俠女故事傳統與蒲松齡《聊齋誌異.俠女》為故事底蘊的京劇創作劇本,在小說的敘事脈絡上,深化並且重塑俠女行動的意圖和心理情感的流動。《歸鄉》則是在傳統京劇《蘇武牧羊》和崑劇《牧羊記》的劇情架構上,重新建構蘇武和李陵的對話,試圖在傳統中蘇武和李陵正反分明的歷史評價中重新定位二者。   劇本之後的討論將分為三個部分:《俠女》與《歸鄉》兩劇各自的創作說明與劇本分析、創作反省。「創作說明」乃在說明創作的緣起與動機,並敘述個人對於角色的理解以及在劇本中想要表現的角色主體意識;「劇本分析」為的是重新爬梳兩劇的情節、關目安排、人物對話以及相關角色設定,以此驗證創作的理念與方向;「創作反省」則是在創作結束後,回頭省思兩劇創作時所面臨的困境與待解決或無能解決的局限與問題,以此自我檢視並作為這份論文與創作歷程的終結。The thesis contains two parts-two Chinese Opera plays and the analysis. Heroine is a work of creative writing. Home Coming was adapted from the traditional Peking Opera play The Shepherd Su Wu. Heroine inspired by the heroines in Tang legendary and Pu Songling’s “Heroine” in Strange Tales of Liaozhai, Heroine rebuilds the heroine’s motivation for revenge and deepens the exploration of her inner world. Home Coming based on Peking opera The Shepherd Su Wu and Kun opera The Story of Shepherd, attempts to challenge the historical evaluation of Su Wu and Li Ling. Through reconstructing their conversation, the existing images of the two protagonists are subverted. The discussion after the script will be divided into three parts: “Explanation”, “Analysis”, and “Examination” about Heroine and Home Coming, respectively. In “Explanation”, I will reveal my motivation to write the two scripts and describe my understanding about the roles.In “Analysis”, I will elaborate my idea of creation by analyzing the plots, conversations, and characters in the two scripts. “Examination” as the end of my thesis and creation will shed light on the difficulties I confronted during my writing and some unsolved problems that require further studies.688674 bytesapplication/pdfen-US俠女聊齋蘇武李陵牧羊heroineStrange Tales of LiaozhaiSu WuLi LingShepherd新編京劇創作《俠女》、改編京劇《歸鄉》Plays:Heroine、Home Comingthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/257664/1/ntu-100-R95129009-1.pdf