洪鎌德臺灣大學:國家發展研究所黃烽Huang, FengFengHuang2010-05-052018-06-282010-05-052018-06-282009U0001-1301200917191000http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/180216自從開放中國探親以來,兩岸交流日趨熱絡,台灣地區的中國裔配偶與日俱增,影響層面逐漸擴大,如何使中國裔配偶融入台灣社會,適應家庭生活,降低各種可能會產生社會問題及家庭問題的相關因素,已是政府及民間機構重視的課題。本研究選取七位中國裔配偶在嫁給高齡榮民後所面臨自我適應、家庭適應及社會適應問題,尤其是在「老夫『少』妻幼子」的家庭組合中新移民女性如何自我調適與適應,研究者就個案進行深度訪談獲得相關資料並進行一一分析與探討。研究發現:1. 中國裔女性配偶嫁給高齡榮民的動機以經濟因素居多,幾乎所有中國裔女性配偶結婚的動機沒有是因為愛情因素。2.中國裔女性配偶的家人大多都反對他們嫁給高齡榮民,那中國裔女性配偶執意嫁給台灣高齡榮民,大部分是嚮往台灣經濟想藉由結婚來台灣工作賺錢。3.中國裔配偶來台後的感受與當初的認知是有落差的,且結婚來台後大部分都是在擔任「看護者」的角色,與來台前所期待扮演的角色不符合。4.高齡榮民晚年娶中國裔配偶除能照顧個人外,排除孤獨的寂寞感更是一大因素,因此中國裔配偶嫁給台灣的高齡榮民也有降低其自殺率的功能。5.若高齡榮民疾病纏身、行動不便或年齡差距過大都會造成中國裔配偶與高齡先生結婚及相處時生活上的困擾。究建議:建立移入人口適量調節機制,分階段放寬中國裔配偶移民政策及工作權政策,照護式婚姻則應透過強化社會福利照護機能導正,警政單位及移民署應加強審核及取締「假結婚真賣淫」、「假結婚真打工」、「騙婚騙財」,開辦中國裔配偶家庭的夫妻溝通成長營,積極提供中國裔配偶生活照顧輔導及生養教育下一代之必要協助。Since visiting one''s relatives at the open China, two sides of the Taiwan strait exchange becoming hotter twine , the Chinese descendants spouse of Taiwan grows with each passing day, influence the aspect to expand gradually, how to make the Chinese descendants spouse incorporate the society of Taiwan , adapt to the family life , reduces various kinds of relevant factors that may produce the social concern and family problem , subject which the government and folk organization have paid attention to already. Choose seven Chinese borderland spouses and face oneself''s meeting after marrying the veteran at advanced age in this research , family''s meeting and society meet the problem, it is made up in '' little sons of " few wives " of an old fellow like me ''s family that especially right how the Sino-Singaporean immigrant women adjust oneself and suit , the researcher carries on depth interview and gets the relevant materials and carries on a analysis and discussion on the case. riginally discover: 1.The veteran''s motive is mostly economic factor advanced age that the Chinese borderland women spouse is married, the motive that nearly all Chinese borderland women spouses get married is not because of the love factor. 2.Household of the China descendants woman spouses mostly all object to their marrying the veteran at advanced age , that Chinese borderland women spouse insists on marrying the veteran at advanced age of Taiwan, the majority is to yearn for the economy of Taiwan and want to come to Taiwan to work and make money by getting married. 3.The Chinese descendants spouse comes back impression of Taiwan and original cognition have drop, serving as the role of '' the persons who are nursing '' in majority after Taiwan that and get married, the roles expected to act did not accord with with come to Taiwan. 4.The veteran marries the Chinese descendants spouse besides can look after individuals ing in old age at advanced age , it is a big factor even more to get rid of the lonely lonely sense, so the Chinese descendants spouse is married the veteran has a function which reduces its committing suicide rate the advanced age in Taiwan. 5.If veteran''s disease is burdened with , have difficulty getting about or age disparity passes the big city the puzzlement in life while causing the Chinese descendants spouse to marry gentleman at advanced age and get along at advanced age . tudy and propose: Set up and move in the right amount regulation mechanism of population, relax the immigration policy of the Chinese descendants spouse and working right policy stage by stage, should be looking after the function and leading through strengthening the social welfare in looking after type marriage, alert policy unit and immigrant administration should is it verify and ban '' false to is it engage in prostitution really to get married '' to strengthen, '' false to is it work as a temporary labourer really to get married '', '' deceive deceive the wealth '', run couple , spouse of family , descendants of Chinese , is it grow up camp to communicate , offer spouse of Chinese descendants life is it coach and is it educate future generation essential assistance their to give birth to and bring up to look after actively.目 錄 試委員會審定書………………………………………………………………………I文摘要………………………………………………………………………II文摘要………………………………………………………………………III一章 緒論……………………………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機、研究目的………………………………………2 第二節 問題陳述、重要名詞詮釋…………………………………4 第三節 研究架構、研究途徑………………………………………14 第四節 研究方法……………………………………………………17 第五節 論文結構重點說明…………………………………………18二章 文獻回顧………………………………………………………20 第一節 理論研究文獻回顧…………………………………………20 第二節 實證研究文獻………………………………………………46三章 高齡榮民娶中國裔配偶照顧輔導政策與法令之現況分析…52 第一節 移民政策……………………………………………………52 第二節 人口政策……………………………………………………63 第三節 照顧服務政策………………………………………………69 第四節 工作權政策…………………………………………………79四章 新移民女性生活適應之個案分析……………………………83 第一節 中國裔女性配偶婚配前的背景及動機……………………83 第二節 中國裔女性配偶嫁給高齡榮民後對個人生活的適應……91 第三節 中國裔女性配偶嫁給高齡榮民後對家庭生活的適應……94 第四節 中國裔女性配偶嫁給高齡榮民後對社會生活的適應……105五章 結論……………………………………………………………109 第一節 研究發現……………………………………………………109 第二節 研究限制……………………………………………………116 第三節 研究建議……………………………………………………118參考書目………………………………………………………………121錄表錄一:中國裔女性配偶對生活適應研究之訪談大綱……………134錄二:訪談同意書…………………………………………………138錄三:2004年前、後大陸地區人民來台制度表較表……………139錄四:未來規劃放寬中國裔配偶的工作權與生存權比較表……140錄五:外籍勞工行方不明概況表…………………………………142錄六:外籍與大陸配偶生活適應輔導諮詢服務窗口一覽表……145錄七:訪談逐字稿…………………………………………………147目次1-1:中國裔配偶人數按取得證件區分統計表……………………91-2:中國裔配偶團聚至初設戶籍登記流程表……………………143-1:歷年人口出生數及粗出生率..........................634-1:訪談中國裔女性配偶年齡及其先生高齡榮民的年齡差距…844-2:訪談中國裔女性配偶及其先生高齡榮民之省籍……………844-3:訪談中國裔女性配偶及其先生高齡榮民之教育程度………854-4:訪談中國裔女性配偶年齡及其先生高齡榮民之來台時間…864-5:訪談中國裔女性配偶及其先生高齡榮民之在台的身份階段864-6:訪談中國裔女性配偶年齡及其先生高齡榮民之婚姻狀況…874-7:高齡榮民經濟收入……………………………………………904-8:高齡榮民的健康狀況…………………………………………915-1:中國地區人士結婚人數統計表………………………………1145-2:大陸地區人士來臺後從事非法活動統計表…………………116目次1-1:中國裔配偶人數按取得證件區分比例圖……………………91-2:中國裔配偶按取得證件區分人數統計圖……………………101-3:中國裔配偶以分配區域區分統計圖…………………………101-4研究架構圖………………………………………………………141-5:我國移民及人口政策規劃架構圖……………………………142-1:相互依賴理論…………………………………………………332-2:馬斯洛的需求層次……………………………………………352-3:跨文化衝擊的過程圖…………………………………………402-4:跨文化型適應曲線圖…………………………………………413-1:歷年人口粗出生率、粗死亡率及自然增加率………………64application/pdf1840040 bytesapplication/pdfen-US新移民女性中國裔配偶高齡榮民生活適應人際關係文化適應New immigrant womenChinese descendants spouseveteran at advanced agelife adaptioninterpersonal relationshipsacculturation[SDGs]SDG3[SDGs]SDG10新移民女性對生活適應研究--以臺北市高齡榮民娶中國裔配偶為例A Study on Life Adaption of New Immigrant Women: Sample Study of China''s Spouse Marrying Aged Veteran Serviceman in Taipeithesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/180216/1/ntu-98-P95341020-1.pdf