2015-01-012024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/661602摘要:洋桔梗為臺灣重要的外銷切花,栽培面積和產量逐年增加,對種苗需求大增,然而目前尚未建立洋桔梗穴盤育苗期間之養分管理標準。本研究於夏季及冬季在25/20℃下探討苗期養液氮濃度、氮型態、磷濃度及鉀濃度對洋桔梗‘克萊利粉’及‘凜白’穴盤苗生長及移植後開花表現之影響,期望藉由找出洋桔梗穴盤育苗時期最合適的養液成分,進而提升種苗品質或縮短育苗時間以增進產業發展和降低種苗成本。<br> Abstract: Lisianthus [Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinn.] is an important cut flower for export trade in Taiwan. Market demand has been increasing with increasing planting area and production. However, nutrition management during plug production for Eustoma has not been well established. This study aimed to determine the effects of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) concentration, and nitrogen form of nutrient solution during plug production on seedling growth at 25/20oC and subsequent plant growth and flowering performance of Eustoma ‘Claris Pink’ and ‘Rin’ grown in summer and winter.全株淨光合作用葉綠素螢光根活性植體分析養液whole plant net photosynthesischlorophyll fluorescenceroot activityplant tissue analysisnutrient solution花卉育種、生產及採後處理技術研發計畫-養液氮、磷與鉀濃度及氮型態對洋桔梗穴盤苗生長及後續開花表現之影響