2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714760Chinese is the most spoken language in the world, and the study of Chinese has become internationally fashionable and this has increased the demand for more Chinese teaching resources. The National Taiwan University (NTU) Graduate Program of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language was founded, designed and promoted by the collaborative effort of the University Graduate Institute of Linguistics, the College of Liberal Arts, the Department of Chinese Literature and the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. This program was officially approved by the Ministry of Education on August 1, 2011. Besides the Chinese teaching classes and professional instructors for the program, relevant classes are supported by the Graduate Institute of Linguistics, the Department of Chinese Literature and the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Our instructors are made up of a team of culturally rich and professional academics, the curriculum is in line with international trends and theories and the practical approach is equally emphasized. The intension of this program is the cultivation of outstanding practical Chinese teaching skills and academic Chinese teaching research personnel under the independent academic guidance of the University. This program places emphasis on both academic research and practical teaching. Since the start of the 2011 school year, this program has recruited nine graduate students. Courses will explore the teaching of the Chinese language, Chinese linguisticsand Chinese society and culture, with the goal of cultivating practical Chinese teaching and academic research into Chinese teaching talent. Our future direction will be committed to the training of Chinese teachers, the development of teaching material, methods and equipment as well as the study of Chinese culture and society. The future prospects of students upon graduation are bright, as they can fully display their mission and responsibility in the teaching of Chinese, whether it is in Taiwan or overseas. They will be able to take their professional expertise around the world, establish themselves and flourish. This program focuses on (1) building a Chinese language analytical and teaching ability in the student and the cultivation of Chinese teaching theory and the practical use of Chinese; (2) the exploration and development of teaching material and methods for Chinese as a second language; (3) strengthening the knowledge of Chinese language teaching and language skills, and combining language from a cognitive perspective while placing emphasis on knowledge and skill; (4) promoting the professionalism of Chinese instruction and the cultivation of an international perspective to connect with global trends.國立臺灣大學華語教學碩士學位學程乃由本校文學院語言學研究所、中國文學系、外國語文學系共同推動規畫,並奉教育部核定於2011年8月1日正式成立,學程主管則由三系所之主管兼任。第一任學程主任為當時語言學研究所所長江文瑜教授(201108-201207)、第二任主任為當時中國文學系系主任李隆獻教授(201208-201707)。第三任主任為中國文學系系主任梅家玲教授(201708-201907)。2019年8月始,本學程已有六名專任教師,學程主任由專任教師兼任。 本學程每年招收碩士班本地生及外籍生十數名。開設之課程以探討漢語做為第二語言/外語之教與學相關知識為主,可以區分為三大類型:華語文教學、漢語語言學與華人社會與文化。主要目標為培養華語實務教學與華語教學學術研究之菁英人才。期許學生畢業後皆具備華語教學之專業素養與熱誠,於世界各地茁壯發展。Teaching Chinese as a Second LanguageAcademic Institute