2011-08-012024-05-14https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/658230摘要:近年來,台灣與東亞社會共同面臨生育率快速下降的難題。為了發掘造成超低生育率背後的制度性因素,實有必要先行考察處於不同生命週期的婦女在決定是否生育子女時可能或曾經面臨的阻礙,其家庭是否能夠提供物質性和非物質性資源協助輔育小孩。尤其是台灣女性本身如何看待生育價值似乎已少在學術場域中被探討,更有必要進行此類型研究。本計畫擬考察當前台灣社會生育價值觀的主要特性,並試圖由個人背景、過去家庭經驗與目前家庭特性、社會影響因素等三方面,共同解釋生育價值觀及其後生育結果在不同社會群體間的差異。假定上一代(尤其是母親)的價值觀會影響下一代子女的價值觀,本計畫亦預期將在同一家庭內發現生育價值觀與生育行的代間傳承效應。西方研究已指出,社會變遷導致的階級與區位分化對於個人的態度與行為具有顯著影響,本研究也將關注家庭社會階級與城鄉資源差異可能導致的不同傳承方式與效果。 本計畫將利用先前國科會補助於2005至2007年間收集源自同一家庭脈絡的3代資料進行前述主題的分析研究,並依此與1970年代第一波VOC調查進行跨時期比較研究,也將與1990年代德國研究團隊主導的新一波VOC資料進行跨文化比較研究。此外,在計畫執行期間擬再針對500位結婚五年內的女性進行面訪調查,這筆資料將用於執行不同年齡 (有幼齡子女vs.有青少年子女) 已婚婦女的比較性研究。研擬中的二年期計畫若能順利完成,將具有以下五項重要的學術意涵: 1. 描繪台灣當前生育價值觀及其影響因素,希望藉此能對快速下降的生育率,提供根本的影響機制解釋並提供解決對策。 2. 釐清生育價值觀在家庭內的傳承過程,試圖由三代傳承的模式提出在台灣社會特定文化規範的影響途徑。 3. 強調社會階級與城鄉差異二重要面向,應可對當今台灣社會生育行為提供影響機制與理論解釋,並以此說明資源不同所可能導致的結果差異。 4. 比較有幼齡子女的母親和有青少年子女的母親在生育價值觀的可能差異,以及前者可能的生育傾向,將可檢驗社會變遷對個人價值觀的影響效果。 5. 與1970年代台灣的VOC研究以及1990年代德國主導的VOC資料進行比較分析,除了可以說明急遽社會變遷對生育價值觀的影響效果,也能說明特定的文化規範性因素在變遷過程中可能的調和、穩定效果。 <br> Abstract: Taiwan, along with her counterparts in the East Asia, has experienced very low fertility in recent years. To explore the institutional context of low fertility, it is important to consider values of having children, expenses of giving and raising a child as well as the resources a family or a woman has at the given life stage. In essence, this research project proposes to examine the major domains and overall linkage of value of children, reproduction intention and fertility outcomes of Taiwan population by analyzing a recently completed 3-generation sample of grandmothers, their daughters, and daughter’s adolescent children. To delineate impact of the institutional context, middle class vs. blue-collar as well as rural vs. urban background are compared. The initial result shows that psychological benefits of having children are the most reported reasons while personal and financial constraints are reasons not to have a child over generations in Taiwan. Since I assume that the VOC expressed by each generation have significant implication toward their actual reproductive behaviors, grandmothers and mothers are also compared with respect to fertility-related attitudes and their actual reproductive behaviors. In addition to examine reproductive attitudes and behaviors of 3-gereration sample of the same family and conduct comparative studies with 1970 Taiwan’s VOC survey and the 2nd Wave VOC project initiated by German scholars, the proposed research will collect a new sample targeting younger female cohort who were born after 1970 with or without newborn currently. This young mother sample will be used to conduct cohort analysis with previous mother sample. The proposed two-year research design, if completed, will contribute to our understanding of the following aspects: 1. Describe major domains of value of children for Taiwan population and factors accounted for them. 2. Delineate patterns and mechanism of intergenerational transmission of value of children among three generations and suggest possible cultural normative effect in the process. 3. Re-examine the social class and rural-urban differences in terms of the linkage between resources and value of children held. 4. Compare younger mothers with older mothers will allow us to detect possible cohort effect from the rapid social change occurring in Taiwan. 5. Compare previous findings from the 1970s study as well as from cross-cultural corresponding datasets will permit us to explain if value of children and its impact on reproductive behavior in Taiwan have unique or universal mechanism affecting the process of intergenerational transmission.生育價值觀生育行為代間傳承Value of ChildrenReproductive BehaviorIntergenerational Transmission生育價值觀與生育行為的代間傳承研究