2018-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/672122摘要:構形與微粒的物理及化學特性息息相關,於製藥業、粉體工業、大氣科學等相關應用皆可扮演重要的影響因子。許多研究已指出氣膠微粒的構形會因降濕與結晶過程的不同而改變。本研究將利用APM (Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer,Kanomax 3601)及高溫型微奈米粒徑監測儀(Dekati High Temperature ELPI+)量測氣膠微粒的質量分佈,結合HT-DMA量測微粒之電移動度粒徑,解析經歷不同降濕過程及環境溫度下的無機鹽氣膠微粒之有效密度及動力形狀因子,藉以表徵及量化微粒之構形的變化。<br> Abstract: Morphology of aerosol particles are related to their physical and chemical properties which may play an important role in pharmaceuticals, powder industry, and atmospheric science. For example, in the extreme dry condition (fast drying), particles tended to form with irregular shapes due to the fast remove of solvent and controlled by the solute diffusion. In contrast, slow drying process would relax the diffusion limit of solute and allow particles to form with relatively spherical shape. In this study, Aerosol Particle Mass Analyzer(Kanomax 3601) and Dekati High Temperature ELPI+ will be employed to measure the particle mass concentration distribution and apparent density under different possible ambient evironmental conditions. The aerosol hygroscopicity will also be characterized by HT-DMA simultaneously.雲凝結核氣膠吸濕特性氣膠光學特性Cloud Condensation NucleiHygroscopicityAerosol Optical Properties學術研究生涯發展計畫-桂冠型研究計畫【大氣環境中無機鹽微粒構形與雲凝結核活化率之影響探討】