2016-01-012024-05-13https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/653939摘要:本中心自101年度起,得教務處支持,共同推動「教科書出版提升計畫」。本計畫以出版中心長期積累的專業能力為基礎,提供完善的出版流程,期引發教師撰寫教科書之興趣,並建立本中心出版學術教科書的口碑,以促成更多優質教科書的誕生。 經101至103年的推動,出版品陸續問世,作者陣容涵蓋文學、史學、哲學、海洋學、土木工程、資工系等教授,人文與自然科學的教科書均衡發展,教科書逐漸成為本中心重要的業務範圍。 本計畫未來的目標不僅止於出版本校教師的教學用書,更希望邀請全臺灣的優良教師共同投入,集思廣益,提高教科書的品質,使教學雙方互蒙其惠,一般民眾亦能自我進修。我們期盼,教科書不再是考試的工具,而能真正成為傳播知識的媒介。 <br> Abstract: Supported by Office of Academic Affairs, National Taiwan University Press (NTU Press) launched the Educational Publications Enhancement Project in 2012. Based on its professional capacity and years of experience in the publishing industry, NTU Press has developed a comprehensive, well-established publishing process, which in hopes to encourage faculty collaboration into publishing textbooks, to build the reputation of educational publications, and to facilitate more high-quality textbooks to publish. Since 2012, numerous educational publications have come out. The authors are professors from humanities and natural science backgrounds such as Literature, History, Philosophy, Oceanology, Civil Engineering, Information Engineering, etc. Educational publications are now an important and growing business of NTU Press. The Educational Publications Enhancement Project is not exclusive to NTU faculty. It aims to invite distinguished professors in Taiwan to together improve the quality of textbooks. The general public can also do self-study by reading textbooks. We expect that textbooks can be the media of knowledge dissemination, rather than just tools for exam preparation.提升教學品質/教科書出版提升計畫