李培芬臺灣大學:生態學與演化生物學研究所李允如Lee, Yun-JuYun-JuLee2007-11-262018-07-062007-11-262018-07-062005http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/55115  棲地管理是減緩溼地陸域化的方式之ㄧ,而鳥類多樣性與分布則是一項檢視棲地管理成效的指標。在此要檢驗的假說包含(1)棲地改善工程可增加鳥類之量豐度與種豐度;(2)各生態同功群對棲地改善工程之反應不同;(3)水鳥時空分布會受棲地改善工程影響。研究地點位於關渡自然公園,資料包含台北市野鳥學會提供(1998年1月-2005年4月)與研究者收集(2004年2月-2005年4月),並利用同時期之航空照片以檢視地景改變的狀況。結果顯示鳥類種豐度明顯增加,而各生態同功群對棲地改善工程之反應均不同。2004.2-2005.4水鳥量豐度與種豐度變化主要受季節影響,但也可能受到工程干擾。棲地改善工程後,水鳥空間分布有改變,但棲地改善工程對各生態同功群之空間分布影響則不同。時間延遲、環境承載量、水深、人與野狗的干擾等都可能影響水鳥對棲地改善工程的反應。Habitat management is a way to slow down terrestrialisation in wetlands and variation of avian diversity and distribution can be the index to estimate results of habitat management. Hypotheses tests here are (1) habitat improving project (HIP) will increase the abundance and richness of birds; (2) responses of guilds to HIP will differ; (3) spatiotemporal distribution of water birds will affected by HIP. Study area is in Guandu Nature Park and datum collected by Wild Bird Society of Taipei (1998-April 2005) and the author (February 2004-April 2005). Aerial photographs at the same time are used to determine the change of landscape. The results show that the increase of richness of birds is significant and the responses of guilds to HIP are different. Variations of abundance and richness of waterbirds from February 2004 to April 2005 are mainly influenced by seasons and may also be affected by HIP. Distribution of waterbirds changes after HIP, but effects of distributions of guilds to HIP are different. Time lag, carrying capacity, human and dog disturbance could be the factors that affect the responses of waterbirds to HIP.Contents Introduction 2 Methods 5 Study Site 5 The fauna of the park 6 Bird survey 7 Habitat mapping 9 Data analysis 9 Long-term bird survey 10 Short-term bird survey 11 Results 12 Habitat Improvement Project 12 Long-term Trend Bird Diversity 14 Short-term Waterbirds Distribution 15 Spatial Distribution of Waterbirds 17 Discussion 19 References 24 Figures 28 Tables. 53 Appendix. 548870042 bytesapplication/pdfen-US棲地管理陸域化溼地水鳥生態同功群地理資訊系統(GIS)habitat managementterrestrialisationwetlandwaterbirdguildGIS[SDGs]SDG15關渡自然公園內棲地管理對水鳥之影響Effects of Habitat Management on Waterbirds in Guandu Nature Park, Taipei, Taiwanotherhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/55115/1/ntu-94-R92b44006-1.pdf