於幼華2006-07-262018-06-282006-07-262018-06-281999-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/22035「永續發展資訊系統」子計畫之主要目 的係為:(1)在短、中時程上係為建置一 實用之環境資訊系統,以支援,「永續台 灣的評量系統」及「永續台灣2011」等另 二子計畫所需(2)長程而言,乃就「污染 防治」、「自然保育」、「資能源善用」 三面向之永續發展課題,利用妥適之資訊 工具,將散置於國內各界之有效資料加以 整合,俾利學、研界利用,進而再視相應 條件而擴大未來之使用者對象。The main objectives of this project are (1) to build an information system to supply data required by the other two projects,i.e. , “Sustainable Taiwan 2011”and “Sustainable Development Indicators for Taiwan”(2) to establish a long-term data base,and this concerning the aspects of “Pollution Prevention and Abatement ”, “Nature Conservation ”and “Proper use of Energy and Matters ”. The results obtained from the first year are: 1. Data requirements and questions asked by the other two above-stated projects have been partly met and answered. 2. Five to six parameters have been chosen to initiate the set-up of a long-term data base. They are: BOD&SS, PSI, background concentration of heavy metal in soil, production/emission of domestic solid waste per capita per day & the rate of solid waste recovery . 3. By comparing the existing data situation among the three above-stated topics, findings are:(1) Effective data are most available only in the “Water & Air ”fields. (2) Data concerning “Nature Conservation” are mostly lacking and this unavailability will make the development of the corresponding indicators quite difficult. (3) Data concerning “Proper use of Energy and Matters ” need to be established from the standpoint of “Material Flow”. Currently, the flow regarding the domestic solid waste has been quite well understood. 4. Standard data format and methods for data classification have been generalized , however, further development to design specific formats will be needed. 5. For the purpose of keeping the data system effective, some guidelines have been established so that only those data obtainable since 1990 and collected from academic sources are rated as Aclass information. The rest have been lowerly classified.application/pdf30340 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學環境工程學研究所永續發展環境資料庫核心指 標物質流Sustainable DevelopmentEnvironmental DatabaseCore IndicatorMaterial Flow[SDGs]SDG12永續台灣願景與策略研究─子計畫二:永續發展資訊系統reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/22035/1/882621Z002025.pdf