工學院: 工程科學及海洋工程學研究所指導教授: 郭振華楊勝凱Yang, Sheng-KaiSheng-KaiYang2017-03-022018-06-282017-03-022018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/271542本研究發展前後浮力引擎型之水下滑翔機之製造與設計方法,提升傳統以滑翔為主要功能的設計,使滑翔機可以在水中定位及控制其姿勢。具有滑翔及定位及姿勢控制能力之水下滑翔機可在海底停留收集數據,未來可望做為水面與水下節點間的數據及能源傳送機構。水下滑翔機在執行深海的量測工作時,本體以及各操作元件必須要承受高壓環境且正常的運作,在機構與操作深度的方面皆以抵抗300dbar進行設計並經過特製的壓力模擬環境測試驗證。本裝置搭載了兩具活塞式浮力引擎放置於機身的兩端,是利用吸、排水改變重浮力差之機構改變滑翔機之重心位置。本論文推導了水下滑翔機力動態方程式以及對載具本身的性能進行探討,其中包含穩態的性能、設計翼展尺寸以及其選擇放置的位置以及浮力引擎操作限制。除了滑翔姿態外,本文也進行了定點深度和水平姿態控制,並展示實驗數據,以證明前後浮力引擎型水下滑翔機設計的可行性。This thesis develops a design method of underwater glider with fore and aft type buoyancy engines. Underwater glider design focuses on the gliding performance. This work enhances the glider function by adding the abilities of posture control and station keeping. A glider with gliding, posture control, and station keeping capabilities could be applied as a data and/or energy commuter in between surface and underwater nodes. This work at first design the body elements to withstand high pressure environment to 300dbar. The design is then proved through a stress simulation environment using a pressure testing device. A buoyance engine is a mechanism which changes buoyancy of an underwater vehicle by attracting and expelling water and can change the position of the center of gravity of the glider. Dynamic equations of an underwater glider is derived which implies the steady-state performance of gliding. Design methodology for the size of wings is used to choose the position of wings and the buoyancy engine operating limits. By the fore and aft buoyance changes, a depth control and constant posture of the glider can be achieved. Finally, the experimental data to demonstrate the gliding, depth and posture control are presented.12844072 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2026/12/31論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)水下?翔機浮?引擎浮?驅動水下載具海洋觀測underwater glidersbuoyancy engines drivenocean observation具滑翔與定位控制功能之浮力控制水下載具設計研究A Buoyancy-Controlled Underwater Vehicle for Gliding and Station Keepingthesis10.6342/NTU201600261http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/271542/1/ntu-105-R02525080-1.pdf