工學院: 土木工程學研究所指導教授: 郭斯傑魏家傑Wei, Chia-ChiehChia-ChiehWei2017-03-132018-07-092017-03-132018-07-092015http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277970促進民間參與公共建設是目前許多世界先進國家(如英國、日本、美國、加拿大)的共同發展趨勢。我國政府業已於2000年2月頒布「促進民間參與公共建設法」,迄今已逾15年。國內已累積相當多的案例經驗,然營運績效評估卻淪為例行工作,雖然促參法賦予營運期績效評估法源依據,但卻無實質讓民間機構提供更好服務之誘因。英國是最早發展公私協力(Public-Private Partnerships, PPP)的國家,並自1992年開始積極推動民間投資提案制度(Private Finance Initiative, PFI),而PFI特色是強調政府向民間廠商採購服務,未達績效或資產無法提供服務時則有扣款機制。國內已有成效式契約(Performance-Based Contract, PBC)案例,PBC契約所採行之查罰機制,乃以逐月量測的成效指標(Performance Indicator, PI)做為判斷承包商履約成效的依據。本論文係探討將民間參與污水下水道系統興建營運移轉案之營運績效評估導入成效式契約,除維持優先議約權之外,另賦予產出與成效目標,並加入扣款機制,以達到政府購買服務之目的。 依據文獻回顧及專家問卷訪談,本研究在各項績效評估指標研析成果,包括:興建指標(5項)、營運指標(5項)、服務滿意度(4項)、營運整體評價(2項),共16項。其次,本研究研析以成效式契約制定民間參與污水下水道系統興建營運移轉案績效評估機制之執行方式,詳列出在不同期程有不同之評核內容,以及其績效指標項目之要求標準及績效評核計算方式。Promotion of Private Participation in infrastructure projects is widely adopted by developed countries in the world ( such as Britain, Japan, the United States, Canada). It has been 15 years since the first announcement of ""Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects"" in February 2000 by our Government. In Taiwan, a considerable amount of lessons learn from various projects is accumulating, however, the operation performance evaluation becomes a routine. Although ""Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects"" is a legal basis of the performance evaluation method, but no substantive benefit encourages contractors to provide better service. Britain is the pioneer country implements PPP ( Public-Private Partnerships) program. Since 1992, she actively promote PFI ( Private Finance Initiative). The feature of PFI is the government implements services procurement from private sector, and a price-reduction process is conducted when unqualified performance or insufficient service level of assets. In Taiwan, PBC ( Performance-Based Contract) contract projects are existing. The price-reduction mechanism of PBC base on monthly PI ( Performance Indicator) to justify the contract execution performance of contractor. This paper researches the feasibility of PBC for public sewerage construction and transfer project with private participation. To secure the government''s right of service procurement, not only offering priority rights for the project, a target performance level and a price-reduction mechanism is also defined in this PBC. Based on literature review and interviews with expert’s questionnaire, this study analyzed the assessment index research results, including: the construction indicators (5), operating indicators (5), degrees of service satisfaction (4), integrated operation rating (2), a total of 16 indicators. Secondly, this study base on PBC to develop a performance assessment process for public sewerage construction and transfer project with private participation. Different assessment items for particular phases are introduced in detail along with performance indicator standard and performance assessment calculation.3888033 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2020/7/20論文使用權限: 同意無償授權公私協?民間投資提案制度成效式契約成效指標PPPPFIPBCPI民參案營運績效評估導入成效式契約之研究-以污水下水道建設為例Application of Performance Based Contract for PPP Project of Sewerage Constructionthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/277970/1/ntu-104-P01521715-1.pdf