管理學院: 資訊管理學研究所指導教授: 翁崇雄林婉清Lin, Wan-ChingWan-ChingLin2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275892近年來,不管是實體商店還是虛擬商店都相當重視顧客體驗這議題。顧客體驗指的是顧客與企業提供的各種產品或服務接觸之後,會產生主觀的反應,並且在顧客心目中留下長期的印象。除了強調顧客體驗之外,消費者也慢慢地從過去重視服務品質或產品品質,轉變為重視的是一個購物的價值,而購物價值為消費者在購物過程中所感受到的一種價值反應,其中包括了達成目標的想法和享受過程的感覺。先前文獻有提到顧客體驗與購物價值之間的關係,但是甚少去驗證過,尤其是在線上購物的環境中。因此,本研究將探討在線上購物的情境下,顧客體驗與購物價值之間的關係,以及在任何購物的過程裡一個最重要的意圖就是顧客的滿意度。所以本研究嘗試著建構這三者之間的關係。 本研究對象為台灣地區曾經有線上購物的使用者,一共回收了260份有效問卷,並且進行結構方程模式分析,結果顯示傾向支持本研究提出之假設。本研究歸納出兩項研究發現:(1) 線上顧客體驗(包括認知/情感體驗)僅會正向地影響購物價值中的享樂價值,並不會正向影響功利價值。(2) 線上顧客體驗會透過購物價值中的享樂價值來間接地影響滿意度。最後,根據研究結果對學術以及實務界提出相關建議。Recently, both physical and online store care a lot about customer experience. Customer experience means that the internal and subjective response customers have to any contact with various components of company’s offer including product and customer service. It would impress customers deeply in their mind. Except focusing on customer experience, from the quality of service or product customers gradually care about the value of shopping which means the value response customers have in the process of shopping. It includes the think of achieving the goal and the feeling of enjoying the process. In the literature, they mention the relationship between customer experience and shopping value but rarely verify it. Especially under the environment of online shopping. Hence, this research will discuss the relationship between customer experience and shopping value in the circumstance of online shopping and customer satisfaction, which is the most important intention in any processes of shopping. The sampling frame consist of online shoppers, located in Taiwan. After cleansing, a total of 260 usable questionnaires are obtained and analyzed with SEM approach. Results support our hypothesis. This research concludes two main results: (1) Online customer experience including cognitive and affective experience only positively influences hedonic value but does not influence utilitarian value in shopping value. (2) Online customer experience would indirectly influence customer satisfaction through utilitarian value in shopping value. In conclusion, we make some relevant suggestion for academy and practice based on research results.1372275 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/7/26論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)線上購物線上顧客體驗認知體驗情感體驗購物價值功利價值享樂價值滿意度Online shoppingOnline customer experienceCognitive experienceAffective experienceShopping valueUtilitarian valueHedonic valueSatisfaction探討線上購物中顧客體驗和購物價值對滿意度的影響Examine the Impact of Customer Experience and Shopping Value on Satisfaction in Online Purchase Contextthesis10.6342/NTU201601172http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275892/1/ntu-105-R03725057-1.pdf