社會科學院: 新聞研究所指導教授: 林麗雲;陳一姍彭筱婷Peng, Sheau-TyngSheau-TyngPeng2017-03-032018-06-282017-03-032018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/2750812014年3月18日,為抗議服貿協議通過,臺灣學生和社運團體攻佔立法院長達二十四天當時,臺大新聞研究所學生與各傳播系所學生自發前往現場採訪,並將新聞發佈於臺大新聞所原設置之《台大新聞E論壇》Facebook粉絲專頁(後改名為新聞e論壇),在三週內增加了13萬讀者,成為許多民眾獲得現場資訊的重要管道。 同年8月31日,香港學生為抗議2016年及2017年香港政治制度改革的決議而發起罷課,9月28日傍晚,警方以催淚彈驅離聲援民眾,導致長達兩個月的雨傘運動。當時,《香港獨立媒體網》在現場迅速發布第一手照片和新聞,使其網站流量和捐款暴增,臉書專頁自雨傘運動前的18萬人次,到佔中結束已逾40萬人次。 筆者躬逢其盛,全程參與了《台大新聞E論壇》於318運動全程的內部運作和新聞製作,而香港雨傘運動時亦以《台大新聞E論壇》成員身份全程關注和報導。本報導將透過個人親身經歷以及採訪《台大新聞E論壇》與《香港獨立媒體網》的新聞工作者,從中了解網路時代中新聞專業意理所受到的挑戰、網路工具和社群媒體之於新聞內容和呈現的運用,以及獨立媒體可以參考的組織形式,提供新世代新聞工作者的應對和生存展望。On 18 March 2014, a group of students and social activists occupied Legislative Yuan so as to protest the passing of the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement (CSSTA). This movement is now called 318 Movement, also known as the Sunflower Movement. Some students from the NTU Graduate Institute of Journalism and other schools went to report the movement voluntarily, and published the report on Facebook fan page, NTU News E Forum, originally a platform run by NTU Graduate Institute of Journalism. Because of the first-hand reports of the movement, the fan page attracted more than 130,000 readers in three weeks, and became one of the most important media in the movement. On 22 September of the same year, Hong Kong students initiated a class boycott to protest the PRC Standing Committee of the National People''s Congress''s intervention on the nomination system of the election of the Chief Executive in the 2016 and 2017 Hong Kong Political Reform. A few days later, Hong Kong police used tear gas to expel protesters, which then triggered a two-month occupation movement. This is so-called the Umbrella Movement. In this movement, Hong Kong independent media InmediaHK published breaking news and photos almost without any delay, which helped attract a great amount of donation and create huge site traffic. The author of this dissertation was one of the reporters in NTU News E Forum, and also attended the Umbrella Movement reporting. This dissertation aims at combining the author’s personal experiences in the two movements with her interviews with participants of the two media to present emerging challenges for journalism professional ethics in the internet era. This dissertation also explores how these two news media have utilized social media in their news presentation. The dissertation further provides suggestions for future independent media concerning issues such as organization structures.1916472 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2019/3/20論文使用權限: 同意無償授權新聞e論壇香港獨立媒體網318運動雨傘運動獨立媒體另類媒體News E ForumInmediaHK318 MovementUmbrella Movementindependent mediaalternative media獨立新聞守門人的誕生與轉生:以台大新聞E論壇與香港獨立媒體網為例The Birth and Growth of ”Independent Gatekeepers”: NTU News E-Forum and InMediaHKthesis10.6342/NTU201602600http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275081/1/ntu-105-R01342019-1.pdf