臺灣大學: 政治學研究所石之瑜陳綺齡Chen, Chi-LinChi-LinChen2013-03-292018-06-282013-03-292018-06-282010http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/254399日本知識界對中國的研究源遠流長,因而對中認識存在許多不同的看法,本文透過對加加美光行的研究,提供其中一個面向的整理,也希望透過加加美對方法論的研究,能為台灣國別學的研究方法提供一個借鏡。本文採用文本分析以及深入訪談的研究方法,從加加美的生平背景和學思背景來探討其中國認識的起源,並且佐以分析其學術著作,來整理他的學術脈絡。從深入訪談了解加加美對自己的詮釋;透過文本分析發掘加加美潛藏的意識。作為一個中國研究者,加加美透過對方法論的討論、倡導共同行動論、主張建立國別學、提倡鏡中視角概念的回歸,來試圖解決現今中日關係的問題。Japanese academic circle has been doing Chinese study for a long time, so there are many different points of view in their understanding of China. This thesis tries to provide one aspect of those through the research of Mitsuyuki Kagami, and also tries to offer a way of thinking for nation study in Taiwan through Mitsuyuki Kagami’s study of methodology. The research methods in the thesis are text analysis and interview. We arrange his academic thinking by finding out how he generated the views on China from his intellectual evolution, and by analyzing his academic productions. We can know how Kagami thinks of himself from the interview and can dig out his potential awareness through text analysis. As a scholar doing Chinese study, he tries to solve the problems between China and Japan nowadays by discussing methodology of Chinese study, and bring out “co-behaviorism”, nation study, and the return of the concept, “the metaphor of mirror”.704617 bytesapplication/pdfen-US共同行動論加加美光行中國認識鏡中視角國別學co-behaviorismMitsuyuki Kagamiviews on Chinathe metaphor of mirrornation study日本學者:加加美光行的中國認識及其學思歷程-相互映照的中國與日本Japanese Scholar Mitsuyuki Kagami's views on China and His Intellectual Evolution: The Metaphor of Mirrorthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/254399/1/ntu-99-R96322030-1.pdf