指導教授:陳弱水指導教授:甘懷真臺灣大學:歷史學研究所胡雲薇Hu, Yun-WeiYun-WeiHu2014-11-302018-05-292014-11-302018-05-292014http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/264061九世紀至十世紀中葉是中國歷史由中古轉型至近世的關鍵期,不論在政治、社會、經濟,乃至文化、思想諸層面都產生劇烈變化。在這個變動過程當中,經濟、文化中心持續向南方遷移,原屬於核心區域的北方士人社會逐漸萎縮、沒落,甚至出現南重北輕的文化傾向。目前有關唐宋之間的研究趨勢,多有重南輕北,或重晚唐、宋初而輕與五代的連結,特別是晚唐到五代的北方社會,在歷史圖像的描繪上仍稍嫌模糊與不足。 因此,本研究將聚焦於北方士人,考察他們在中晚唐五代的科舉參與、組成結構與文化表現,嘗試重建變革過程中仍居主要影響力的活動群體。此外,鑑於此前研究多強調唐宋之間的變與革,本文在討論過程中則著重於傳統因子的更迭,試圖在歷史的延續與斷裂之中尋求平衡點。論文撰寫上則採取專題討論與地域個案二者兼具的架構型態來呈現。專題討論包括三個方面,分別是科舉熱潮、士人組成的結構與唐宋之間的文化動向。地域個案則以兩個發展最為南轅北轍的河北與河東為例。唐宋之間北方各地域的發展並不均勻,情況也難一概而論,著實有必要採取長時間、同區域的集中探索,期以更深入挖掘、梳理地方士人的活動圖像。 本文研究發現,唐代中期以後由於科舉成為士人入仕的重要管道,能否順利登科釋褐,也成為官宦家族是否能長期延續或盤踞權力中心的關鍵。在科舉熱潮的吹拂之下,士人社會的組成結構也出現變化,不同於傳統士族的新興階層開始躍上歷史舞台。步入五代之後,面臨武人統治且政權替換迅速的北方士人,在文化表現上更趨於務實,傳統儒學思想再度受到重視。相對於五代時期的南方承繼唐朝美文技巧的延續,北方更強調文士的書寫掌記與實務能力。至於在地域部分,這段時期的河朔士人異軍突起,不僅出現橫跨多朝的科舉家族,在經史傳統的延續也相形出色,得以窺見北方文化潛力較為淳厚的歷史現象。與河北隔以太行山為界的河東,在晚唐五代則出現較明顯的歷史斷裂,在士人結構與文化表現都相形衰弛,不僅基層士人組織有零散化的趨勢,社會武質化的傾向也相形突出。 唐宋之間的北方是文獻材料相對缺乏,失落環節相對較多的歷史時期。本文藉由長時間的專題討論與地域考察,深入探索北方士人社會的活動面向,並還原歷史現場諸多不均質的發展,也試圖分析新時代歷史現象的延續與斷裂。The period from the ninth century to the middle of the tenth century in Chinese history marked a critical period as China evolved from the medieval to the early modern age. Dramatic changes in ideology were observed in political, social, economic, and cultural environments. During the Tang-Song transition, economic and cultural centers continued to move to the South and the once dominant Northern scholar societies that originally made up the regional hubs gradually dwindled. Current studies of the Tang and Song Dynasties have generally placed greater importance on the Southern regions than the North regions. In addition, the connections between the late Tang and early Song Dynasties were more extensively studied than the Five Dynasties and the Song Dynasty. Moreover, images and information of the Northern Communities during the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties remain deficient. Therefore, the Northern scholars were carefully studied in this study. Their imperial examination participation, composition structure, and cultural expressions during the mid and late Tang Dynasty as well as the Five Dynasties were examined. The scholar communities remained the most influential and their reconstruction attempts during the changing process were investigated. Contrary to previous studies that primarily emphasized the changes from the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, this study attempted to bridge the current gap in history by focusing on the discussion of the traditional factors. The framework of this study comprised a topic discussion and a regional case study section. The topic discussion section consisted of three areas, which were the upsurge in imperial examination participation, changes in scholar structure, and cultural development movements. For the regional case study section, two diametrically opposite regions, namely the Hebei and the Hedong regions, were selected for us to gain a comprehensive, in-depth understanding of the Northern regional societies. The Northern China between Tang and Song Dynasties are an area characterized by scant related literature and lost information. In this study, related Northern scholar community activities were explored in our topic discussion and regional case study sections. The heterogeneous development context of the historical sites was clarified and the historical continuities or disruptions were also observed.緒 論…………………………………………………………… 1 第一節 研究緣起 ……………………………………………1 第二節 討論範圍與概念界定……………………………… 4 第三節 研究回顧與文獻檢討 ………………………………7 第四節 方法取徑與章節安排………………………………15 第一章 中唐以後的科舉熱潮…………………………………19 前 言 ………………………………………………………19 第一節 考試風潮的出現…………………………………… 20 第二節 五代科舉的質變…………………………………… 26 第三節 士人身分認同的轉移 ………………………………32 結 語 …………………………………………………… 38 第二章 唐宋之間士人組成的變化……………………………41 前 言 ………………………………………………………41 第一節 非「儒」成分的加入 …………………………… 42 第二節 科舉新族的崛起 ………………………………… 48 第三節 新興階層的擴大 ………………………………… 59 結 語 ………………………………………………………67 第三章 唐末五代的文化動向 ………………………………73 前 言 …………………………………………………… 73 第一節 武人治下的「文」化…………………………… 74 第二節 衰世之音的文學評論…………………………… 84 第三節 沉潛民間的儒學活動…………………………… 92 結 語 …………………………………………………… 103 第四章 河朔士人與經史傳統 …………………………… 107 前 言 …………………………………………………… 107 第一節 士族的遷離……………………………………… 110 第二節 新興的科舉家族………………………………… 115 第三節 文學表現與思想動態…………………………… 124 第四節 經史傳統的延續………………………………… 130 結 語 …………………………………………………… 137 第五章 河東士人的勢力消長 ………………………………143 前 言 …………………………………………………… 143 第一節 河東形勢與代北集團……………………………… 144 第二節 中晚唐河東士人的流向…………………………… 149 第三節 統治集團的用人傾向與內部轉化………………… 158 第四節 在地士人的政治參與……………………………… 163 結 語 …………………………………………………… 168 結 論 ……………………………………………………… 181 徵引書目……………………………………………………… 1873267124 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間:2017/08/25論文使用權限:同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)唐宋變革科舉新興階層士人文化河北河東延續與斷裂:唐宋之間北方的士人研究Continuities and Disruptions: A Study of Literati in North China between Tang and Song Dynastiesthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/264061/1/ntu-103-D94123002-1.pdf