徐久忠2006-08-312018-07-092006-08-312018-07-091999http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/29950利用體外循環系統測試左心室輔助器 (LVAD)在不同轉速、壓力下的水流量,將 其換以牛血後仍可繼續運轉以供進行測 試。新鮮收集的牛血以0.5IU/mL Heparin 添加後進行LVAD 的體外測試,其可見到 多處的血栓形成,但其與活體實驗的血栓 形成部位稍有差異,其可能導因於體外循 環系統沒有類似心臟收縮舒張壓的生理變 化,及Heparin 在體外循環時不會被代謝, 因此宜加改進以使體外循環系統測試效果 與活體測試相同。LVAD 系統加以改善後 取消upper housing 和lower housing之間隔 及upper housing 底座的死角,但由於 Heparin 添加無法改善,而仍有血栓形成, 因此針對消除血栓形成,pump 的設計仍得 繼續進行改善。活體實驗小牛可存活148 天,顯示LVAD 設計、手術方式、術後照 顧經驗等均愈趨成熟,在血栓形成問題逐 漸改善之下,希望臨床應用到心臟病患的時日早早到來。By using in vitro circulation system, left ventricular assist device (LVAD) could be tested with different rpm, pressure and flow volume. After replaced with bovine blood LVAD still could be tested in vitro. Heparin with concentration of 0.5 IU/mL was added into blood for LVAD in vitro test. Although thrombosis could be found within LVAD after in vitro test, the position of thrombosis were not 100% identical to those of in vivo test. The absence of systolic and diastolic pressure in LVAD test system and Heparin could not be degraded in testing system were the major causes and need to be improved in the future study. After removal of the septum between upper housing and lower housing, and improvement of the corner of bottom, thrombosis still could be observed. Heparin could not be added into the LVAD was the major cause. Calf survived until Day 148 within in vivo study this year, which means that the design of LVAD, surgical procedure, and the experience of after-care were pretty mature. After the improvement of thrombosis getting better, the clinical application will come soon.application/pdf32147 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學獸醫學系暨研究所左心室輔助器體外循環血栓形成Left Ventricular Assist DeviceIn Vitro Circulating SystemThrombosis行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告:左心室輔助器的研製及動物試驗研究─心室輔助器血栓形成之探討與改進(3/3)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/29950/1/882314B002037M08.pdf