國立臺灣大學資訊工程學系Perng, Woei-LuenWoei-LuenPerngWu, YungkangYungkangWuOuhyoung, MingMingOuhyoung2006-09-272018-07-052006-09-272018-07-05http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/20060927122908476468The proposed system is named Image Talk: a real-time synthetic talking head using one single image with Chinese text-to-speech capability. Image Talk uses one single image to automatically create video-like talking sequences in real time. The image can be acquired from photographs, video clips, or hand drawn characters. This interactive system accepts Chinese text input and talks back in Mandarin Chinese, generating facial expression in real time. Image Talk analyzes Chinese text by converting it to a standard Pinyin system used in Taiwan and fetches the associated facial expressions from an expression pool dynamically. The expressions are synchronized with the synthetic speech and played back in the video-like talking sequence in real time. Image Talk also incorporates eye blinking, small-scale head rotation and translation perturbations, to make the results more natural. The generic Talk Mask is also easy to switch to any other facial or non-facial images, such as dogs, for special effects. The result is quite entertaining, and can easily be used as a new human-machine interface, as well as for lip synchronization for computer animated characters.application/pdf234316 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TWFacial AnimationImage WarpingReal-time Lip SynchronizationTexture MappingA Software Facial Expression Synthesizer with The Chinese Text-to-Speech Functionotherhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/20060927122908476468/1/rams98.pdf