社會科學院: 公共事務研究所指導教授: 王宏文陳彥廷Chen, Yen-TingYen-TingChen2017-03-062018-06-282017-03-062018-06-282016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277684 許多研究指出更生人在出獄後若無穩定就業,是影響其再犯的重要因素。而透過監獄技訓可以讓更生人在獄中學得一技之長,培養就業能力,厚植更生人的人力資本,使其在出獄後能順利穩定就業,進而減少再犯與社會成本。然而長期以來我國政府或是社會,對於獄政資源關注程度不足,監獄技訓向來缺乏深入的成效評估以及相關議題探討。因此我國監獄技訓方案是否能夠幫助更生人出獄後就業,以及當前監獄技訓運作是否具有效益,又可能面臨哪些問題?顯然從各角度而言,對於我國監獄技訓方案之了解探討是相當重要的。 本研究透過量化分析與質化訪談方式,深入了解當前我國監獄技訓對於假釋出獄更生人就業之影響,以及我國監獄技訓之實務效益與困境。本研究量化部分透過蒐集台北地檢所保護管束之假釋出獄更生人資料,分析監獄技訓是否與可量化之就業指標具相關性。質化部分透過深入訪談矯正署作業技訓科、監所作業科、觀護人與假釋出獄更生人,深入了解當前監獄技訓方案對就業之影響與執行情況。研究發現當前我國監獄技訓可以對假釋出獄更生人出獄後就業產生正面影響,幫助更生人在獄中先習得基礎能力,並培養勤勞的習性、正向的工作態度以及解決問題的能力。監獄技訓之實務效益,包含能提供受訓者一定程度專業的訓練,並提供更生人自我肯定的成長過程,進而培養更生人之人力資本。實務之運作限制為監獄技訓名額不足、監獄技訓證照檢定班數量短少、監獄技訓缺乏開班彈性等問題。在政策建議上,研究者提出增加矯正與觀護機關的資源分配、修改相關監所法令,增加技訓彈性、全面思考與評估技訓種類之必要性、建立跨部會之技訓平台、持續增加正向求職態度與技巧養成、改善更生人出獄後之就業機制和限制等政策方向。 Many studies indicate that employment situation of ex-offenders or parolees is a key recidivism factors. Ex-offender or parolees can acquire job skills via participating the vocational training program in prison, the program can also cultivate human capital of ex-offender. With this training program, ex-offender or parolees can successfully find a stable job after release from prison. Employment of ex-offender or parolees can reduce recidivism and social cost. However, the government of Taiwan and our society don’t take this issue seriously. There is few evaluation and studies of such program in Taiwan. Consequently, it is important to recognize the effectiveness and predicament of the vocational training program in prison in Taiwan. This study used quantitative and qualitative methods that focus on the impacts of the vocational training program in prison on employment of parolees and the effectiveness and predicament of this vocational training program. We used chi-square distribution to test the correlation between the vocational training program in prison and quantifiable indexes of employment. Moreover, we interviewed the stakeholders of vocational training program in prison to further investigate the impact of the vocational training program in prison on employment of parolees. We also looked into execution of the vocational training program in prison by interviews. The results indicate that the vocational training program in prison can make a positive impact on employment of parolees. It helps parolees acquire basic working ability and cultivate a positive attitude towards employment. This program can provide professional training and self-affirmation of parolees. The predicaments of the program are lack of quota and elasticity of courses. To solve these problems, we suggest that the government should pay more attention to this issue and invest more resources on improving the quality of professional training program. To go a step further, government can build a communication platform in order to improve cooperation between different sectors. We also suggest that government should modify the laws to increase elasticity of executing the training program. Furthermore, the government should eliminate employment barriers that ex-offenders or parolees might face after returning to society.7750541 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2016/8/2論文使用權限: 同意無償授權就業與再犯更生人就業更生人假釋復歸社會監獄技訓就業輔導Employment and recidivismEmployment of ex-offendersParole successPrison vocational training programEmployment counseling監獄技訓方案對假釋出獄更生人就業影響之研究A Study on the Impacts of Prison Vocational Training Program on Parolees’ Employmentthesis10.6342/NTU201601402http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/277684/1/ntu-105-R03343011-1.pdf