黃玲惠2006-08-232018-06-292006-08-232018-06-291998-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/29518膠原蛋白為細胞外基質的主要組成 份,也是構成結締組織的主要蛋白質。許 多疾病的因果與組織中膠原蛋白的種類、 含量變化有密切的關聯性,因此尋求方便 的定性定量方法有其需要性。毛細管電泳 分析儀結合電泳與高效率液相層析法的優 點,具有偵測上快速、精確、靈敏的優點。 本年度的研究根據第一年建立的膠原蛋白 分析條件,分離並比較不同種類膠原蛋白 的毛細管電泳分析圖譜,結果發現各個種 類膠原蛋白的胺基酸組成之同質性太高, 缺乏有效的荷質比差異,因此完整的膠原 蛋白分子樣品無法達成同步定量分離的理 想,所以我們進一步建立膠原蛋白溴化氰 胜(CNBr peptide)之最佳分析條件,試圖 找出個別種類膠原蛋白的差異性,以有效 分離定量不同種類的膠原蛋白。Collagen is the major component of extracellular matrix, and is also the major protein of connective tissues. Many diseases are associated with the changes of collagen typing and their contents. To establish a more rapid, sensitive, and accurate method, capillary electrophoresis was chosen which combines the advantages of electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography. It is difficult to differentiate various types of collagen using previously established method due to similarity on the amino acid composition. Variation on certain peptide for different types of collagen exists after CNBr digestion treatment. An optimal analytical condition for CNBr peptides of collagen was established in the current study.application/pdf37789 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學醫學工程學研究所毛細管電泳分析膠原蛋白溴 化氰胜capillary electrophoresiscollagenCNBr peptides以毛細管電泳儀定量分析膠原蛋白(II)Quantitative Analysis of Collagen by Capillary Electrophoresis (II)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/29518/1/872314B002311M08.pdf