2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/715385iNSIGHT (the Center of iNnovation and Synergy for IntelliGent Home and living Technology) at the National Taiwan University is a leading research center for user-centered products and service innovation. iNSIGHT has established the “BEST” model (Business Model, user Experience, Service design, Technology) that seamlessly orchestrates the user experience, design thinking, business strategy, and cutting-edge technology. iNSIGHT embraces open innovation and participative collaboration between the academic and industrial partners. The Center has assisted our industrial partners in the development of innovative products, and services. iNSIGHT is a great place for industrial partners to find great talents and a creative place rich in innovative concepts and realizations.我們有專業的訓練及精實的法則, 為產業創造出新的境界領域, 與客戶一同成長,創造全新經驗不凡價值。 智活中心是人本創新的實踐者。我們以使用者經驗為核心,探索顧客的想法、行為及背後的真實需求,我們也重視服務提供者的特質,以策略導向的設計概念與商業模式創新,為組織的顧客帶來有意義的產品與服務。 智活中心也相信創新並非一蹴可及,我們也規劃了一系列與實務高度相關的訓練課程,讓企業組織根據自身的需求,選擇適合的創新演練。 和我們一起探究問題,一起定義對的方向,一起創造更適切的價值。Center of Innovation and Synergy for Intelligent Home and Living Technology (iNSIGHT)