國立臺灣大學醫學院外科梁金銅2006-07-262018-07-112006-07-262018-07-112003-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/24500在本研究中,我們應用微陣列技術來篩選與大腸直腸癌肝移轉有關的基因。我 們首先分離正常大腸黏膜、大腸直腸癌原發病灶、以及大腸直腸癌的肝轉移病灶 的mRNA,然後製作成以化學螢光劑標定的互補性DNA,然後將這些標定的 cDNA 與晶片上的各種基因片段結合,再由偵測器中偵測螢光訊號差異,再以電 腦軟體換算成基因表現的差異 。我們發現約有70 個基因與大腸直腸癌的肝移轉 有關,而比較確定者包括nm23,TIMP1,VEGF,以及cyclin E 的表現量增加, 一些抑癌基因 (如p53,TOSO,以及SIVA) 表現量降低,以及一些與細胞黏附 作用如β-catenin,metallothionein 有關基因表現量的降低。經由本研究,我們覺 得,微陣列的技術是目前找出癌細胞與移轉能力有關之指紋最有前景的方法,然 有關實驗細節與結果的判讀,則仍需進一步發展。In this study, we examine the usability of microarray technique in screening the clusters of genes related to the liver metastasis of colorectal cancer. Complementary DNA probes were prepared from mRNA extracted from colonic cancer specimens, adjacent normal mucosa, and hepatic metastases and then were labeled with chemiluminescence. These labeled probes were allowed to bind to the gene fragments on the filter. A specialized scanning charge-coupled device camera measured the intensity of each chemiluminescent spot, which is an indicator of the degree to which a specific gene is expressed. Gene expression image was quantified into intensity of signals by using computer software. We found that an array of around 70 genes were related the matastatic ability of colorectal cancer cells. Up-regulation of nm23, TIMPI, VEGF, and cyclin E and down-regulation of some tumor suppressor genes (p53, TOSO, and SIVA), β -catenin, and metallothionein were observed in hepatic matastatic specimen when compared with colonic cancer specimen. Based on this experiment, we feel that microarray technique may be currently the most powerful tool to find the fingerprint that is related to the live metastasis of colorectal cancer. However, the refinement of experimental technique and interpretation method need be further developed.application/pdf31913 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學醫學院外科微陣列技術大腸直腸癌肝轉移micoarrarycolorectal cancerhepatic metastasis[SDGs]SDG3以微陣列技術篩選與大腸直腸癌轉移有關基因的差異表現reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/24500/1/912314B002246.pdf