臺灣大學: 電子工程學研究所林致廷陳巨軒Chen, Chu-HsuanChu-HsuanChen2013-04-102018-07-102013-04-102018-07-102011http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/256790本論文研究有機太陽能電池,以P3HT混合PCBM的塊材異質接面結構為主體,依序製做傳統結構、反置結構、反置結構加入染料與反置結構加入有序奈米柱陣列,並討論各不同結構中製作參數對元件效率的影響。在傳統結構電池的製作中,利用拉長時間的前退火解決了溶劑殘留於有機層中而在後續製程中引發結構破壞的問題,將電池效率由0.2%提高到超過2%;在反置結構電池的製作中,利用短暫的後退火改善了電子束蒸鍍銀電極與有機層間的接觸問題,將電池效率由0.03%提升到超過2%;在製作反置結構加入染料的電池中,平均效率由未加入染料的1.86%提升到2.1%;在反置結構加入有序奈米柱陣列的部分中,使用水熱法成長ZnO奈米柱並運用液態沉積法將其轉換為TiO2奈米柱,成功得到ZnO奈米柱與TiO2奈米柱兩種結構,但具有奈米柱結構的電池中存在層與層間接觸的問題,最終只能得到不到0.4%的效率,需待後續的製程改良。以上製作過程皆保持有機太陽電池可大面積製作、低成本、製程簡易的優點。This thesis is about using P3HT:PCBM as the active layer in different kinds of organic bulk heterojunction solar cell structures, including conventional structure, inverted structure, inverted structure hybrid with dye, inverted structure having nanorods array. In the fabricating of conventional structure cell, the introducing of a long time pre-annealing process solved the structure damage caused by solvent, which hard to vaporize from organic layers completely. And the convention efficiency was improved from 0.2% to more than 2%. In the fabricating of inverted structure cell, the introducing of a short time post-annealing process eliminated the contact resistant between e-gun evaporated Ag and organic layer. And the convention efficiency was improved from 0.03% to more than 2%. In the fabricating of the inverted structure cell hybrid with N719, N719 modified the surface of TiO2 and enhance the yield rate. And the average conversion efficiency was improved from 1.86% to 2.1%. In the fabricating of inverted structure cell having nanorods array, water bath method was introduced to get ZnO nanorods array. And TiO2 nanorods array was obtained by converting the ZnO nanorods template with LPD method. However, this kind of structure had unsolved contact problem between layers, and finally its conversion efficiency was less than 0.4% All the fabricating processes above are cheap, simple, and can be used in large areas producing.5469217 bytesapplication/pdfen-USLPD-TiO2ZnO nanorodsN719P3HT:PCBM異質接面太陽能電池bulk heterojunction運用液態沉積法製作具有二氧化鈦奈米柱陣列及染料吸光層之反向異質結太陽能電池Using LPD-TiO2 Nanorods Array and Dye to Improve the Inverted Heterojunction Solar cellthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/256790/1/ntu-100-R98943078-1.pdf