2012-07-272024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/661907摘要:樟屬(Cinnamomum)植物主要分布在亞洲、太平洋群島及澳洲等地,臺灣共有14種肉桂節(Sect. Cinnamomum)植物。近年來,己有研究指出桂皮醛型土肉桂(C. osmophloeum ct. cinnamaldehyde)及錫蘭肉桂(C. zeylanicum)葉子精油具抗白蟻活性,而其它肉桂屬植物是否亦具抗白蟻活性則仍未知。因此,本計畫擬探討臺灣常見的肉桂屬植物葉子精油之抗白蟻活性,並鑑定其抗白蟻活性成分,期能使肉桂植物葉子更具應用及經濟價值。<br> Abstract: Plants in genus Cinnamomum are mainly distributed over the Asia, Pacific islands and Australia. Among them, 14 species grown in Taiwan are belonged to the Sect. Cinnamomum. The antitermitic activities of leaf essential oils from both C. osmophloeum ct. cinnamaldehyde and C. zeylanicum have been proven recently. However, little is known about the antitermitic activities of the rest of species in the Sect. Cinnamomum. In this study, we intend to investigate the antitermitic activites of leaf essential oils from various species in the Sect. Cinnamomum. Afterwards, the antitermitic components of essential oils from various species will be identified. The results obtained from this study will expand the potential utilization of species in the Sect. Cinnamomum and thier economic value will also be increased.抗白蟻活性精油葉子肉桂節Antitermitic activityEssential oilLeafSect. Cinnamomum肉桂類植物機能性產品之開發