臺灣大學: 國際企業學研究所陳俊忠張淳淳Chang, Chuen-ChuenChuen-ChuenChang2013-03-272018-06-292013-03-272018-06-292012http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/252574台灣尿布業發展初期主要以本國需求為主,內銷市場佔據總產量四分之三。 隨著國內市場日漸成熟,生產品質達到國際水準,外銷增加,其中以出口中國為 最大宗,佔據一半以上。但是過度依賴中國大陸市場容易因為些許波動而影響台 灣。因此,目前台灣尿布業最重要的課題是分散對於中國大陸市場的過度依賴及 積極開發新興市場。能夠支撐尿布產業的市場必須符合人口多、需求量大這兩個 特質。印度龐大的人口符合這兩項特質,實為最佳選擇。 一般人想到印度,通常直覺認為印度就是貧窮的代名詞,無法想像印度發展 潛力在何處。隨著近二十年的開發、女性得以工作、中產階級增加、家庭所得提 高、人口不斷成長、消費能力增加,印度市場的發展和大眾所熟悉的其它國家發 展經驗是無法比較的。 本文以五力分析探討印度尿布產業各方面的競爭決定進入策略,而後以信任 為基礎選擇合作夥伴,其次依據競爭者分析決定產品定位,最後探討印度是否適 合台灣尿布廠商進入,進入的過程可能會遇到的問題以及未來發展。In the beginning stage of diaper industry development in Taiwan, the main consumption came from domestic demand, which took up three forth of the market. Domestic market gradually reached its full capacity, as well as product quality reaching international standard, international market grew rapidly. China was the biggest export country, and still is today. More than half of Taiwan’s production exports to China. But overly relying on China market is risky. Any change in China market will affect Taiwan. As a result, diversify into other markets and develop new markets are important tasks. Among other countries, India has a large population and large demand for baby diapers. It is the most suitable country for Taiwan diaper manufacturer. When people think about India, the first image they have in mind is India is a poor country. They can’ t fathom the potential of development in India. Over the past two decades, India has changed; women are allowed to work, middle class population increases, household income rises, population grows, and disposable income increases. The growth seen in India is nothing compared to any other countries. This paper will talk about entry strategy for India diaper industry with the help of five force analysis. Then, how the selection of partners is done based on the trust between each other. Furthermore, how the Taiwan company should position its products based on competitor analysis. Lastly, the discussion of profitability of India market, possible issues faced, and future development will be carried out.1607216 bytesapplication/pdfen-US印度市場尿布產業海外合資India marketdiaper industryforeign investment台灣尿布廠商印度市場之進入策略分析Entry Strategy for Taiwan Diaper Manufacturer Entering India Marketthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/252574/1/ntu-101-R97724080-1.pdf