郭振泰2006-07-252018-07-092006-07-252018-07-092000http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/2701在河川水質模擬預測與涵容能力分析 時,台灣地區一般採用Q75,而在美國則採 用Q7,10,不論Q75 或是Q7,10 均強調枯水期 流量,因此其水質模式所考慮之主要污染 物負荷乃為點源污染物。本研究目的主要 是探討暴雨期非點源污染傳輸之複雜現 象,利用美國環保署發展的BASINS 模式 中之非點源污染模式NPSM 及一維動態河 川水質模式CE-QUAL-RIV1,考慮不同暴 雨型式之非點源污染傳輸的情形,以及污 染物進入河川後對河川水質所造成的影 響,並比較暴雨期與枯水期河川水質之差 異,進而訂定設計雨型與河川設計流量。For a design flow, Q75 is used in river quality simulation in Taiwan and Q7,10 is used in U.S.A. No matter using Q75 or Q7,10, it emphasizes the flow in the dry period, and it only takes account of point The purpose of this research is to investigate the transport of the nonpoint source pollution during the storm period. This research use the NPSM model of the BASINS developed by U.S. EPA and the CE-QUAL-RIV1, one dimensional river water quality model, to simulate the transport of the nonpoint source pollution during the storm period, and compare the difference of the river water quality between the storm and dry periods. Finally, the design storm and design flow for nonpoint source pollution simulation in a river is decided.application/pdf102960 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學土木工程學系暨研究所點源污染非點源污染BASINS 模式CE-QUAL-RIV1 模式設計雨型設計流量point source pollutionnonpoint source pollutionBASINS modelCE-QUALRIV1 modeldesign stormdesign flow下水道公共工程科技之整合研究(II)─子計畫一:暴雨期間河川水質模式設計流量之研究A Study on Design Flow for River Water Quality Modeling during Storm Periods(Ⅱ)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/2701/1/892211E002044.pdf