2015-12-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/705212摘要:台灣西南海底峽谷是海洋沉積物從源到匯的活教材。它們是陸源及海洋有機碳進入深海的主要通道,滋養食物匱乏的深海生態系。但峽谷裡的海底山崩,洪水引發的異重流,地震或颱風造成的重力流都可能引發海底地質災害,摧毀生物的棲地。一般而言,沉積物中底棲無脊椎動物具有沉積物改造,碳循環和營養鹽再生等重要功能,間接影響海洋生地化循環。雖然台灣西南海域的相關地質研究已產生了豐富的文獻,我們仍然不了解海底峽谷對深海底棲動物的影響,以及這些生物在峽谷及沉積物生態系扮演的角色。因此我們將對台灣西南(水深200~3200公尺)深海沉積物中的底棲動物群落及生態系統功能性進行定量研究。1) 我們將調查海底峽谷(高屏和枋寮峽谷)和非峽谷(高屏斜坡)之間的生產力和環境擾動梯度,將如何影響底棲多樣性及組成。2) 受環境梯度影響的多樣性變化,將如何影響生態系統功能性,以及由功能衍生的生態系價值及貢獻。氣候變遷及人類活動將可能改變風暴和洪水的頻率和強度,以及其引發的海底地質災害,本研究將探討人類活動是否有可能影響深海生物群聚結構及生態系統功能性。因為唯有連結生物多樣性與生態系統功能性,我們才可能評估喪失海洋生物多樣性對海洋生態系統及人類社會造成的影響。<br> Abstract: Submarine canyons off SW Taiwan have been an instructional source-to-sink pathway of sediment transports. They are not only the conduits for terrestrial and marine organic carbon into the deep sea, potentially nourishing the food-depriving life on the seafloor, but also a devastated force that can exterminate the benthic communities through sediment slumping, turbidity and debris flows. Despites a wealth of rich literatures and intense geological studies in the region, no information is available to comprehend the fate and ecological role of the sediment-dwelling macrofauna invertebrates, which may have important ecosystem functions such as sediment reworking, carbon cycling and nutrient regenerations in the ocean. In this study, I will initiate a quantitative investigation of deep-sea (200 to 3500-m depth) sedimentary macrobenthos communities and ecosystem functioning on the continental margin off SW Taiwan. 1) I will examine how the unique productivity and disturbance gradients between the submarine canyons (Gaoping and Fangliao Submarine Canyons) and non-canyon slope (Gaoping Slope) may influence the diversity and composition of deep-sea macrobenthos, and 2) how the changes in biodiversity may affect the ecosystem functioning, as well as the goods and service it may generate. Given that climate changes and anthropogenic impacts may alter the frequencies and intensities of the storm and flood induced submarine geohazards, this study will demonstrate how the human activities on land can possibly affect the life and functions on the seafloor thousands of meters below the ocean surface. It is thus urgent to bridge the gap between deep-sea diversity and ecosystem functioning, so the consequence of loss marine biodiversity through human activities can be evaluated.海底峽谷海洋沉積物海底地質災害底棲動物群落生態系統功能性submarine canyonsedimentsubmarine geohazardbenthic community structureecosystem functioning深海峽谷地質災害及有機物累積對底棲生物多樣性及生態系統功能性的影響(2/2)