2012-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/705649摘要:本子計畫二將發展微型化光學三維量測探頭與其關鍵量測技術,並與總計劃所發展之微三次元座標測量儀進行系統整合,發展3-D基準零點技術與多個探測探頭之量測演算法。第一年進行創新性彩色共焦相移干涉式光學三維量測探頭設計、光機模擬與可行性驗證,第二年進行光學三維量測探頭之微型化製作、校正與演算法發展,將微型光學三維量測之雛型探頭發展出來,第三年進行光學三維量測探頭與微三次元系統之整合與演算法發展。本計劃所提出方法之特色在於結合彩色共焦量測技術與相移干涉量測技術之個別優點,整合發展出一種創新性微型化之光學三維量測探頭與系統,以全域、高量測精度、大深度量測範圍與高速量測能力為計劃發展的目標。配合研發光學探頭之三維量測系統與光學影像演算法,使得研發之成果能與總計畫進行結合,發展成一多探頭系統之微三次元量測儀。 本子計畫欲達成下列五項具體目標: 1. 具體發展一套微型光學三維量測探頭與關鍵技術,使其同時具有高深度量測範圍(數百微米以上) 與高深度解析度(10nm )之量測能力。 2. 與總計劃所發展之微三次元量測儀整合成一個多探頭量測系統。 3. 申請發明專利3項或以上(每年1項申請),並具體尋求對相關廠商進行技術轉移。 4. 發表SCI國際期刊9篇以上(每年3篇或以上)。 5. 計劃執行期間每年培育2~3位碩士研究生及計畫全期培育1~2位博士研究生。<br> Abstract: The project belongs to the second subproject of the integrated project application lead by Prof. Kuang-Chao Fan of National Taiwan University this year. The main objective of this project is to develop a miniaturized optical three-dimensional measuring probe & key technologies by employing integration of chromatic confocal sectioning and phase shifting interferometry for microscopic 3-D surface profilometry. The developed system can achieve an innovative measuring capability of reaching a measurement depth range of more than several hundred micrometers and a nano-scale depth resolution. Meanwhile, the developed probe is integrated with the other two measuring probes from Prof. Fan’s research team, so a multi-sensor micro CMM can be established as a consolidated outcome of the integrated project. The miniaturized probe to be developed is a full-field and high-speed surface profilometer which can be widely employed for automatic optical inspection. Five major project objectives are aimed: 1. To develop a miniaturized optical three-dimensional measuring probe & key technologies by employing integration of chromatic confocal sectioning and phase shifting interferometry for microscopic 3-D surface profilometry. The developed system has a measuring capability of reaching a measurement depth range of more than several hundred micrometers and a nano-scale depth resolution. 2. To integrate the developed probe with the Micro CMM to become a multi-sensor micro CMM. 3. To publish at least 3 SCI journal papers per year. 4. To apply invention patent application at least one item per year and to seek opportunities of technological transfer from industries. 5. Educate 2~3 master-level graduates per year and 1~2 Ph.D. graduates over the project execution period.精密量測自動化光學檢測三次元量測儀三維量測光學量測Precision metrologyAutomatic optical inspectionmicro CMMthree-dimensional measurementoptical measurement.微型三次元量測儀精度校正與多探頭系統整合之發展-子計畫二:微型化光學三維量測探頭與演算法之研究