2001-02-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/662896摘要:昆蟲在屍體上出現的種類與數量,有其專一性及獨特性,且會隨著時間及季節做規律性的變動。無論中外,很早以前即開始對此一特別現象進行專門研究,且有許多懸案因此而有所突破。許多報告也指出,事前依法醫昆蟲學觀念所作的推測,與破案後得知的真相,常能符合一致,足見昆蟲在法醫上的利用價值。可惜台灣早年因缺乏此等專門人才,又因傳統觀念的束縛,很少有人進行過相關研究,也缺乏足夠證據建立可用檔案。本計畫預定以家禽、家畜等肉類陷阱,吸引可能的各類食屍性昆蟲。分冬、夏兩季進行試驗,以了解不同季節屍體上昆蟲相的差異。除野外觀察外,另將屍體上的幼蟲採回實驗室中,以飼料飼育,瞭解其種類及生長齡期,裨建立完整的屍體昆蟲相資料。工作計劃項目並包括於台北地區採集之麗蠅,以分子生物技術檢測其差異,探求同種個體在不同地區的微地理區域變異,以作為刑案現場的輔證。此外,在不同種麗蠅方面,則採集屍體上的幼蟲,檢測其粒線體 DNA 之 COI片段或核糖體 DNA 之 ITS1 與 ITS2 之片段,並進行 DNA 定序,建立分子資料庫,藉不同種幼蟲DNA之比對,作為昆蟲快速鑑定的依據。日後將不必再大費周章,把幼蟲飼育至成蟲後才進行種類<br> Abstract: After death, the tissue of animals could attract variety of insects. The insect fauna on corpses are specific and unique, which will have some seasonal and time sequential changes. The insect fauna from a distinct succession usually associated with the various stages of corpse decay. Not surprisingly, the studies of the special phenomena have been carried out for several hundreds years. There are many case studies reveal that any predication and hypothesis according to the entomological data shown on corpse have proved to be accurate. The applications of entomology play an important role in forensic science. Unfortunately, there have rare specialist on the forensic entomology in Taiwan. This project will focus on the insect fauna on the corpse; we will use pork or chicken as experimental materials for attracting the insect scavengers. The insect occur on the corpse will be collect, in which, some of larvae will preserve in fix solution and alcohol, some will be reared in laboratory with artificial diets. After advent emergence, the species name will be identified. According to the fauna collect from corpse, we will establish the database for forensic entomology in Taiwan. The second and third year of this project will focus on the regional different of insect species. We are going to setup the DNA mapping data to identify the geographical race of some species. This result could be applied to predict the first site of the cadaver had occurred. In addition to the geographical studies, we also try to develop a rapid identification method base on the different regions of Mitochondria DNA or on the ITS regions of ribosomal DNA of blowflies. The results will be used to identify the species of blowfly when we collect larval specimens. Then, we do not need to rear blowfly from larvae to adult in order to identify the species. This rapid identification method will shorten the time needed on the application of entomological data for forensic purposes.昆蟲相調查法醫昆蟲台北地區insect faunasurveyforensic entomologyTaipei.臺北地區屍體昆蟲相之發生種類及時序調查