生物資源暨農學院: 園藝暨景觀學系指導教授: 張俊彥周宛俞Chou, Wan-YuWan-YuChou2017-03-062018-06-292017-03-062018-06-292016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/277632東西方文化看待人與環境的關係並不盡相同,東方環境觀偏向一元論,認為人與自然屬於一個整體,追求彼此之間的和諧與融合;西方的環境觀點則為二元論,認為人與自然是有明顯界線的兩個對立主體。東西方文化兩種不同的環境觀,不只衍生出各自看待環境的態度與使用自然資源的方式,也可能影響了兩種文化中感知景觀的模式和所從事的活動。 身心運動源自於東方文化傳統思想,著重意念與身體的互動,以及人與環境的和諧,與西方注重身體技能和挑戰環境的休閒運動有所不同。本研究欲以心身運動觀點來探討支持性環境,以瞭解東方文化中健康景觀特徵和景觀知覺。研究分為兩個階段進行,先驗證心身運動的環境需求和景觀特徵,接著進一步分析心身運動支持性環境的景觀知覺模式,以瞭解東方文化的環境知覺觀點。 第一階段研究以量性景觀分析方法探討心身運動支持性環境特徵。結果顯示心身運動者與非心身運動者的環境評估有顯著差異。而在不同土地覆蓋元素中,人工地盤與水體的面積;草地、樹林植栽和水體的塊區分散程度;以及草地、樹林植栽、人工地盤和水體的塊區形狀,皆與心身運動者的環境體驗呈現顯著的相關性。其中,不規則分散分布的草地塊區和樹林植栽、大面積而連續的自然形式水體,皆有助於心身運動者獲得較佳的心流體驗和其他環境體驗。這皆顯示心身運動者偏好較自然、較生態的環境景觀,而這可能與心身運動強調與自然相容合的東方哲學基礎有關。然而,人工地盤卻呈現較特殊的結果,其總面積對心身運動者的心身運動體驗表現有正面的影響,但對恢復性效益和景觀偏好則呈現顯著的負相關。這部分則需進一步的研究以釐清人工鋪面或結構物對心身運動者的影響。 第二階段研究針對資深心身運動者進行深度訪談,分析結果指出心身運動支持性環境所涉及的知覺層面涵蓋不同感官與個人生心理反應,顯示心身運動支持性環境是一種全面性但又相對個人化的知覺模式。本研究從訪談內容中萃取出七項環境知覺因子,分別為:「安全性」、「合一性」、「干擾度」、「生命力」、「循環性」、「時間性」和「象徵意涵」。其中,「安全性」、「合一性」、「干擾度」和「生命力」的部分觀點,雖與西方景觀知覺理論有相似之處,但仍多以東方文化的一元論環境觀為主。而「循環性」、「時間性」與「象徵意涵」等三項因子則是完全的東方文化觀點;「循環性」大多受到風水理論的影響;「時間性」則是呼應了儒家思想強調自然在日夜節期中的變動性,「象徵意涵」則與所有東方哲學和民俗觀點有關。Eastern and Western cultures hold different perspectives about the relationship between man and nature. Eastern ideas are based on monism which believes man and nature should be regarded as one entity and admire the unity between environment and humanity. In contrast, Western ideas in general are based on the dualism of man and nature which are seen as inherently discrete and against each other. The distinct environmental thoughts in Eastern and Western cultures may cause the difference in environmental perceptions and leisure exercises that benefit health. Unlike the Western recreational sports focus on physical skills and environmental challenges, mind-body excerises, derived from traditional Eastern thoughts, emphasize on the interaction between mind and body as well as the harmony between human and environment. The current research tries to understand the landscape perceptions in Eastern culture by investigating mind-body exercise supportive environment. There are two studies in this research, not only examining the environmental requirements and landscape characteristics for mind-body exercises, but also analyizing the landscape percption paradigm of mind-body exercises surpportive environment. The research highlights how these traditional thoughts affect mind-body practitioners’ environmental perception. The differences and similarities between Eastern and Western perspectives of landscape percpetions are also discussed. Study 1 examines the explanatory power of monism mind-body exercise in the context of dualism western environmental theories. The results reveal that mind-body practitioners have higher requirements for their exercise environments. Landscape types, especially water-view landscape, would influence mind-body practitioners’ exercise effects. The results also show that practitioners’ environmental experiences are correlated with selected landscape metrics of different land cover types. Fragmented grass and tree patches and large continued water patches have hence positive effects on mind-body practitioners. It reveals that mind-body practitioners prefer more ecological and more natural landscape. However, there is an unexpected result on artificial structure land cover type. The area of artificial structure shows positive relationship with mind-body experience, but has negative correlation to restorativeness and landscape preference. Further studies are needed to clarify the influence of artificial structure. Study 2 approaches Eastern landscape perceptions through qualitative depth interviews with mind-body practitioners. The results extract 7 environmental qualities from interviews: ‘Safety’, ‘Oneness’, ‘Disturbance’, ‘Vitality’, ‘Circulation’, ‘Temporality’, and ‘Symbolic meaning’. Even though some viewpoints of ‘Safety’, ‘Oneness’, ‘Disturbance’ and ‘Vitality’ are similar to Western environmental perception theories, most of these qualities follows Eastern monism environmental thoughts. Particularly, ‘Circulation’, ‘Temporality’, and ‘Symbolic meaning’ are completely based on Eastern ideas. ‘Circulation’ is influenced by Feng Shui theories. ‘Temporality’ responds to the seasonal variability of nature in Confucianism. ‘Symbolic meaning’ is related to all of Eastern philosophies and traditional beliefs3709825 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2026/7/20論文使用權限: 同意有償授權(權利金給回饋學校)心身運動景觀特徵景觀知覺支持性環境Mind-body exerciseLandscape characteristicsLandscape perceptionsSupportive environment[SDGs]SDG3從心身運動觀點探討支持性環境的景觀知覺Landscape Perceptions of Supportive Environment From the Perspectives of Mind-Body Exercisethesis10.6342/NTU201601116http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/277632/1/ntu-105-D97628012-1.pdf