2024-05-182024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/714779Faculty members in the institute investigate causes, mechanisms, and prevention measures of issues related to environmental and occupational health. Research topics cover subjects ranging from molecular level to epidemiological level. Multidisciplinary approach is used to address physical, chemical, biological, ergonomics, and sociobehavioral hazards. The Institute offers advanced educational programs of master and doctoral degrees and trains professionals to work in governmental agencies and industries. The faculty and students with diverse background are specialized in tackling important public health problems that require integrated contributions of multiple specialties. The main research themes include: 1.Environmental and occupational medicine; 2.Occupational hygiene; 3. Environmental and occupational epidemiology; 4.Environmental toxicology; 5.Aerosol technology; 6.Erogonimics; 7.Exposure assessment; 8.Risk assessment; 9.Analytiial method development for emerging pollutants; 10.Omics studies; 11.Medical entomology and vector control; 12. Hazard control (including ventilation). A few example research contributions in recent years by investigators in the Institute include: Meteorological Conditions Regulate PM2.5 Toxicity in the Vicinity of a Petrochemical Complex; Traffic-Related Air Pollution Exposure were Associated with Chronic Kidney Disease in Elderly Population; Higher Exposure to Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Taiwan than the Western Countries; Prenatal Perfluorooctyl Sulfonate Exposure were linked to DNA Hypomethylation; Indoor Air Quality of Bakeries Needed to be Improved.環職所於2019年8月1日成立,為「環境衛生研究所」與「職業醫學與工業衛生研究所」整併並更名。 環境職業健康科學在疾病預防與健康促進的功能,隨社會發展迭有變遷,循著演進,除逐漸擴充師資與設備之外,並尋求跨系所合作,使教學以健康科學為基礎,環境衛生技術與管理為應用,培養有發展潛力、有能能規劃及執行環境保護、永續發展工作的環境衛生人力,再配合近代管理科學、生命科學與環境保護技術的發展,以因應事業單位與政府機構的需求。職業衛生與職業醫學則希望一方面藉由職業病醫師早期診斷出職業病及環境病之致病因子,另一方面也藉由職業衛生師對作業及一般環境進行風險評估並提出風險管理方案和風險改善政策,以改善從業人員和一般民眾之安全與衛生條件;除初步達到減少環境職業傷病之外,再進而按風險政策提出主動改善之建議,以促進所有員工之健康及發揮最高生產力,並達到企業與環境永續發展的目標。「環境職業健康科學研究所」期望藉由教學、研究及服務,來提升及促進臺灣及其週邊國家全體人民在環境、職場和社區衛生的水準。Environmental and Occupational Health SciencesAcademic Institute