2010-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/696716摘要:茄科青枯病係複雜且全球最嚴重的病害之一,引起許多作物的系統性致死萎凋病害。基於抗病育種之困難性、抗病策略需求之迫切性及作物土壤傳播系統性病害抗病機制重要訊息卻尚闕如等考量,本項策略性基礎研究計畫之總目標是先以青枯病為起始的研究對象,深入探討茄科抗病防禦機制相關重要訊息及開發具農業生技應用潛力之新穎防禦基因/啟動子。此外,鑑於青枯病在本質上與缺水逆境反應有許多共通性,故缺水逆境也將列為本計畫之分析項目。利用我們已建立之各種分生與病理研究系統與資源,本項三年計畫研擬三大工作方向。 第一,利用我們建立之高效病毒誘發基因靜默(VIGS)系統,將個別或同時測試茉莉酸、乙烯、水楊酸、MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase)、離酸、生長素(auxin)及一氧化氮相關訊息傳導路徑是否參與番茄抗青枯病機制,以全面性探討茄科作物之防禦訊息網絡。 第二,經VIGS試驗後已陸續找到在青枯病抗病機制扮演重要角色之新穎防禦基因,本研究計劃針對其中數個非常獨特的基因,進行一系列基因功能性研究,包括:蛋白質定位分析、基因表現特性分析、蛋白產物之分生/生化特性分析、以短暫過量表現驗證防禦功能及啟動子短暫表現特性分析等,深入探討它們在青枯病/其他病害/逆境反應中可能扮演的角色。 第三,經上述試驗鑑定確實參與逆境防禦機制的新穎防禦基因及啟動子,將以各式植物基因轉殖策略(過量表現與基因靜默法、表現目標防禦基因/報導性基因/非抗生素耐受基因等),進一步探討這些基因在病害/缺水逆境反應中可能扮演的角色及其啟動子特性,並藉由代表性防禦基因表現特性分析與生物晶片與蛋白質體分析,確切探討其分子機制及具體作用,且研發它們在作物抗病/抗逆境育種、發展非抗生素耐受基因轉殖篩選系統及植物分子農場發展之應用潛力。預計計畫產出包括新穎防禦基因/啟動子之智慧財產權及各種衍生”know-hows”、論文/報告發表及人才培訓等;本項研究工作在生物農業的基礎科研及實際應用上皆具重要性及潛力,兼具學術重要性及產業發展價值。<br> Abstract: Transforming defense-related genes to induce plant resistance has become a common approach for disease management considering efficacy, efficiency, and reduced pesticide use. It is desired that the induced resistance should not only be durable and with broad spectrum, but also without deteriorating effect on plants. Thus, comprehensive information on genes involved in plant defense response would be highly desirable and necessary. We choose bacterial wilt (BW) of Solanaceaous crops as the case disease in this proposal as it is one of the most complex and serious crop diseases worldwide, and breeding for durable resistance for this disease is important and urgent. In addition, information on plant defense response to systemic infection of soilborne pathogens is very limited. We therefore intend to identify tomato defense/inducible genes involved in resistance to BW. Furthermore, as the nature of BW resistance/defense shares commonness with drought tolerance, function and responsiveness of the studied genes/promoters in plant response to drought will also be investigated. In this project, we will use various well-established systems from our previous studies to pursue the following objectives. First, role of certain known defense signaling pathways in tomato defense mechanism against BW will be determined using our virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) system. Furthermore, by combining bioinformatics, molecular, biochemical, transgenic and transcriptomic/proteomic approaches, we will explore functions of selected defense/inducible genes/promoters in plant defense against diseases/water deficit, and elucidate the molecular mechanisms involved. The proposed functional studies are expected to gather important information on plant defense mechanisms against important diseases and abiotic stresses, as well as to assemble resources useful for crop biotechnology, including crop improvement, development of non-antibiotic selection systems for transgenic plant selection, and molecular farming. The anticipated outputs of this project include patents and intellectual properties, publications and personnel training. Therefore, we expect this could benefit both fundamental and applied agricultural research.青枯病逆境防禦基因啟動子基因靜默Bacterial wiltstressdefensepromotervirus-induced gene silencing以茄科作物青枯病為對象研發植物逆境防禦基因