管理學院: 財務金融學研究所指導教授: 李賢源陳膺任Chen, Yin-JenYin-JenChen2017-03-032018-07-092017-03-032018-07-092014http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/274169本文旨在延伸Lonstaff (2005) 公司債溢酬分解模型。藉由放寬信用風險溢酬與流動性溢籌彼此統計獨立的假設,本研究得以探討兩者互動的情形,然而放寬假設卻有可能使得公司債定價失去解析解,因此利用 Brigo and Alfonsi (2005) 提出的近似公式以逼近理論公司債。由於該模型涉及到的參數大多無法直接從市場觀察而來,這使得參數估計變得更加困難,因此本研究另外提供方法去推估合理的參數值區域,最後輔以實際例子供示範之用。This paper is primarily intended to generalize the framework of Longstaff (2005) by regarding the default intensity process and liquidity process a two-dimensional correlated CIR process. However, we may lose the analytically tractable solution of the defaultable bond with such modifications. Consequently, we implement a Gaussian dependence mapping proposed by Brigo and Alfonsi (2005). Besides, we provide a technique to sketch the possible region where parameters will fall in case of parameter identification problems. Finally, we offer a case study to illustrate those methods in practice.論文使用權限: 不同意授權公司債溢酬分解流動性風險溢酬信用風險溢酬信用違約交換公司債溢酬評價Corporate Bond Yield DecompositionLiquidity Risk PremiumCredit Risk PremiumCredit Default SwapCorporate Yield Pricing利用兩維度Cox-Ingersoll-Ross模型分解公司債溢酬以高盛為例Corporate Yield Spread Decomposition with two-dimensional Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Model and Goldman Sachs Case Studythesis10.6342/NTU201600163