2009-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/694452摘要:黴菌毒素為黴菌產生之次級代謝物,對人體及畜禽均會產生嚴重的危害。穀物在採收前後均有可能受黴菌毒素污染,故其防範極為&#63847;&#63968;。而目前全球氣候暖化的結果,穀物受黴菌毒素污染的情形&#63745;為普遍。此外,大部份的黴菌毒素性質安定,加工後依然會殘&#63949;在食品或&#64043;&#63934;中。畜禽食用受黴菌毒素污染的&#64043;&#63934;將影響其生長繁殖性能,導致經濟上嚴重的損失。目前多以矽酸鋁或有機聚合物吸附&#64043;&#63934;中的黴菌毒素,吸附法雖然可以減少黴菌毒素被動物吸收而&#64009;低其危害,但同時亦減少營養成分的吸收而導致&#64043;&#63934;效&#63841;的&#64009;低。因此,尋求其他方法以解決穀物中黴菌毒素污染所致之危害,實有其必要性。本計畫擬針對一株對黴菌毒素具有分解能力的地衣芽孢桿菌(Bacillus licheniformis)進行研究,將分析其黴菌毒素分解能力、蛋白&#37238;與纖維分解酵素活性,以及益生特性等,並評估其應用於飼料之可行性。<br> Abstract: Mycotoxins are toxin secondary metabolites produced by fungi. Most of them are heat-stable and cannot be destroyed by food and feed processing. The fact that contamination in grains can happen pre- and post-harvest makes it extremely difficult to control the spread of mycotoxins. Moreover, the change of global climate, such as “green-house effect”, has created an environment more favorable to the growth of some fungi. As a consequence, the economical loss associated with impaired animal health and performance due to consumption of mycotoxins has become a serious issue in the industry. Traditionally, elimination or reduction of contaminated mycotoxins in feed can be achieved by physical methods. The physical approaches are basically the addition of adsorbents, such aluminosilicate or organic polymers, into the feed to prevent mycotoxins absorbed by animals. Nevertheless, the binding capability of these adsorbents is not specific to mycotoxins, which may decrease the availability of soluble nutrients in digesta and reduce feed efficiency. Therefore, this research aims at evaluating the ability of Bacillus licheniformis CK1 strain to degrade zearalenone, protein, and cellulose. The probiotic properties and the application of B. licheniformis CK1 in feed additive will also be estimated.地衣芽孢桿菌微生物製劑黴菌毒素Bacillus licheniformismicrobial agentmycotoxin提昇飼料、牧草品質及其檢測技術-地衣芽孢桿菌微生物製劑之開發與應用