2013-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/706069摘要:本計畫提出一智慧型腹腔鏡前端模組的概念,包括腹腔鏡前端機構改良,以撓性連續體機構使傳統腹腔鏡具備多自由度之局部方位自動調整的功能,並整合術前醫學影像,發展影像融合技術,進行病灶區域與即時影像的融合;以影像特徵追蹤技術,進行前端微調機構之影像追蹤控制,有效防止腹腔鏡手術中肝臟因呼吸移動所造成之目標病灶影像移出視野的問題,本計畫將以自製之矽膠仿體,先行驗證影像融合精度,以及病灶特徵追蹤之有效性,接著將所發展之智慧型腹腔鏡前端模組整合至子計畫一之智慧型機器人endoscope,驗證增加多餘(redundant)自由度在腹腔鏡手術的有效性,並透過子計畫三的動物實驗,驗證所發展之模組在進行活體術中呼吸造成肝臟移動之即時追蹤的性能,本計畫對於國內發展微創手術相關醫療設備之關鍵技術建立,將有重大幫助。<br> Abstract: This project proposes an intelligent front-end module concept for laparoscopy. A backbone-based flexible front end will be equipped at the front end of a laparoscopy to provide two more redundant degrees of freedom so that the laparoscopy can perform locally automatic adjustment the front-end’s orientation. Then development of image fusion technology to integrate the lesion area and the real-time video image will be performed. This is particularly useful for liver cancer resection, where the pre-operative CT image can provide the lesion spatial information invisible by laparoscopy. The intelligent module also possesses lesion image feature tracking. This function will effectively prevent the target lesion moved out side the field of view due to respiration. A silicone gel phantom will be made and firstly verify the accuracy of image fusion, and feature tracking performance. Afterwards the developed intelligent front-end module will be integrated to the intelligent robotic endoscope developed by sub-project I and to verify the effectiveness of redundant degrees of freedom from the developed intelligent front-end module. Finally animal test will be performed by sub-project III to investigate its usefulness of the developed hardware and software. The project will be of great importance to provide a crucial foundation for the domestic development of the key technologies in minimally invasive surgery.腹腔鏡手術微創手術醫學影像融合影像導引電腦輔助手術Laparoscopic SurgeryMinimally Invasive SurgeryMedical Image FusionImage-guided SurgeryComputer Assisted Surgery無感測器俱力量偵測功能之多自由度智慧型機器人微創手術輔助系統-子計畫二:肝臟腹腔鏡手術之即時影像融合與呼吸移動補償