電機資訊學院: 資訊網路與多媒體研究所指導教授: 廖世偉陳柏安Chen, Po-AnPo-AnChen2017-03-062018-07-052017-03-062018-07-052016http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/275852在我的論文中描述了一分散式組織架構(Decentralized Autonomous Governance(DAG))基於比特幣區塊鏈之設計與實作。一 DAG 會由一群人提供資金(bitcoin)共同發起,根據任何目標,並共同直接管理大家提供得資金(bitcoin)。DAG 實際上是一個軟體,並在程式碼中詳細描述所有的治理規則。當一 DAG 被發起,所有的 bitcoins 會被保存在 DAG 中之一帳戶,每一位提供 bitcoins 的發起人會收到相對應得 Tokens代表他們對此 DAG 擁有權之分額和投票權。該 Tokens 的擁有者可以直接和 DAG 互動,透過投票支持或否決一 bitcoins 使用申請。投票權力的權重根據擁有該 Tokens 的數量。每個 Tokens 的擁有者都可以申請使用 bitcoins。只有在一使用申請被足夠多的 Tokens 擁有者同意支持後,bitcoins 才會轉移至申請者之帳戶。以上的過程和結果均會被記錄在 Bitcoin 區塊鏈(blockchain)。我會在“GCOIN Layer”上逐步得實作我的設計。In my thesis, I describe the design concepts and implementation for a Decentralized Autonomous Governance(DAG) on Bitcoin blockchain. A DAG, described in here, will be launched by a group of people who want to co-manage their bitcoins directly for any reason. DAG is actually a software and all governance rules are specified in codes. When a DAG is launched, the whole bitcoins are saved in DAG and the people who providing bitcoins will receive another tokens for representing their shares and voting powers. The token-holders interact directly with DAG by voting for approving an application of bitcoins or not. The voting powers are corresponding to their amount of tokens. Every token-holders can apply for bitcoins. The bitcoins will transfer only when an application is approved by enough token-holders. All the processes above will be recorded on Bitcoin blockchain. In my thesis, I will implement my design on “GCOIN Layer” gradually.688139 bytesapplication/pdf論文公開時間: 2021/8/24論文使用權限: 同意無償授權區塊鏈比特幣虛擬資產管理治理架構分散式自治組織智能合約BlockchainBitcoinVirtual Asset ManagementGovernance StructureDecentralized Autonomous Organization(DAO)Smart Contract基於比特幣區塊鏈之分散式自治治理架構Decentralized Autonomous Governance on Bitcoin Blockchainthesis10.6342/NTU201602504http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/275852/1/ntu-105-R03944036-1.pdf