2013-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/680147摘要:情緒的交流對於人的生存或社會生活的品質是很重要的因素。許多情緒的交流是透過臉部表情的變化來傳達。在透過臉部表情傳達訊息的過程中,不但傳達者要變化臉 部肌肉運動和狀態來形成臉部表情,觀察者也要能查覺和辨識這些表情。在本計畫裡,我們將研究視知覺如何分析他人的臉部表情。本計畫有三個研究目的。第一, 在情緒辨認有哪些重要特性。所謂情緒辨認的重要特性指的是觀察者分類臉部表情所依賴的一組臉部特徵。研究一、二、三分別使用機器學習理論,眼動及雜訊遮蔽 等實驗技術找出那些重要特性及其所引發的知覺系統反應。第二,瞭解臉部表情知覺各種特性之間的交互影響。一般來說,分類臉部表情需要兩個以上的臉部特徵。 因此,視覺系統如何整合臉部特徵進而決定情緒分類是一個重要議題。研究四和五將分別檢驗在類別之間的交互作用和臉部辨認作業。第三,探討臉部表情知覺的神 經機制。這是本計畫的最終目的。在研究三和四的神經影像實驗將探討視覺神經反應與臉部表情知覺的聯結,並進一步的瞭解臉部表情分析的神經機制。 <br> Abstract: Communication of emotion, whether it is to repulse or avoid an adversary or to attract a potential helper or collaborator, is important to the survival and wellbeing of an individual. Facial expressions, which are combinations of the movements and states and of facial muscles, are perhaps the most efficient means to communicate emotion. In this project, we will study how the visual system perceives the facial expression of another person. The purposes of the project are three folds. The first is to identify the early visual properties of the critical features and how the visual features are integrated by the visual system. The critical features refer to a set of facial features that are critical for an observer to categorize the emotion represented by a facial expression. Study 1, 2 and 3 of this project will use support vector machine, eye movement and noise masking, respectively, to identify critical features and the response they should produce in the visual system. The second purpose is to understand the interaction between features in face expression perception. In general, more than one face features are needed to categorize facial expressions. Hence, it is also essential to know how the visual system integrates facial features to determine the emotion category represented by a facial expression. Study 4 and 5 will examine the interaction effect in categorization and facial discrimination tasks respectively. The third purpose is to determine the neural mechanisms underlying facial expression processing. This is the ultimate goal of this study. While there are a large amount of neuroimaging studies using emotional faces, the visual cortical activations were often ignored in those studies. Here, we will study the neural correlates of perceptual behavior and uncover the neural mechanisms underlying facial expression analysis. There will be neuroimaging experiments in Study 3 and 4 for this purpose.深度知覺姿勢核磁共振造影心理物理關鍵特徵Depth perceptiongesturefMRIpsychophysicscritical feature子計畫1-情緒表徵的視覺分析