張惠娟2006-07-252018-05-292006-07-252018-05-291999-07-31http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/10067本研究計畫第一年子題為「從女性烏 托邦到女性電腦叛客:兼論皮兒西」。本研 究試圖探尋當代科幻衍異的脈絡,以為女 性電腦叛客定位。在第一部分中,詳加探 索六○年代以還當代科幻多變的身影,尤 側重女性烏托邦、反烏托邦、電腦叛客間 的傳承和對話。第二部分則比較美國女作 家皮兒西的女性烏托邦作品《時間邊際的 女子》與女性電腦叛客作品《他、她與它》, 以深究二者之間的遞嬗並見證當代美國女性科幻的發展。research is entitled “From Feminist Utopia to Feminist Cyberpunk: A Study of Marge Piercy.” The project explores the evolution of contemporary science fiction with a view to uncovering the lineage of feminist cyberpunk and investigating its unique feature. The first part is an examination of the changing facets of contemporary science fiction ever since the 1960’s, with special emphasis on the dialogue among feminist utopia, anti-utopia, and cyberpunk. The second part is a comparative study of two works by the American writer Marge Piercy. One is her feminist utopian novel Woman on the Edge of Time (1976), and the other is her feminist cyberpunk He, She, and It (1991). This comparative study serves the purpose of pinpointing the essential divergence between these two subgenres.application/pdf30253 bytesapplication/pdfzh-TW國立臺灣大學外國語文學系暨研究所科幻烏托邦電腦叛客女性主義皮兒西Science FictionUtopiaCyberpunkFeminismPiercy[SDGs]SDG5女性電腦叛客研究(1/2)Feminist Cyberpunk: A Study (1)reporthttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/10067/1/882411H002037.pdf