2003-08-012024-05-18https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/706541摘要:本計畫為防災任務導向之〝颱風伴隨強風與豪雨之觀測與預報技術之發展(三)〞之子計畫。自1999年到2002年由台灣大學、中山科學院以及中央氣象局的三方合作下,所成立之無人飛機探空(Aerosonde)工作團隊(TAT),歷經多次戶外觀測(包括綠島中尺度天氣實驗) ,已經累積熟練的Aerosonde操控技術與資料分析,其中的第6次颱風觀測(2001年10月16日)Aerosonde進入2001年第21號颱風(海燕)環流,蒐集到珍貴的強風與強降水之現場資料,並在學術研討會發表其和氣象局五分山雷達降水和風場反演資料之比較分析。 上年度TAT設計了一次七天的「巴士海峽天氣觀測實驗」,於墾丁氣象雷達站為指揮基地,即時導引由30公里外的九鵬基地起降的Aerosonde,到達降水天氣系統週遭進行觀測,並由台北中央氣象局衛星中心透過電話modem 400公里遙地導控Aerosonde飛行。該實驗後段期間適逢雷馬遜颱風靠近台灣東北部,TAT轉移人員和設備機動前往宜蘭大福基地運作,惟該颱風並未持續逼近台灣本島,Aerosonde並未進入颱風暴風圈內觀測。 本年度將持續運作Aerosonde工作團隊,發揮<br> Abstract: This proposed research is one of the sub-projects of the mission-oriented project ‘The developing of observing and forecasting skills on the strong wind and heavy rainfall induced by the typhoon circulation’ under the NSC disaster mitigation program. Through many field campaigns (including GIMEX) from 1999 to 2002, the Taiwan Aerosonde Team (called TAT) ,organized by the National Taiwan University, Central Weather Bureau (CWB) and Chung-Shang Institute of Scientific Technology (CSIST), has accumulate mature experience on Aerosonde operation and data analysis. The sixth Typhoon observation mission on Oct.16,2001, Aerosonde entered Typhoon Haiyan circulation and got more exciting in-situ meteorological data. The preliminary comparison between Radar derived parameters and Aerosonde in-situ observations has been presented in academic conferences. In the past one year, TAT worked a 7-day field experiment called 「Bashi Channel Weather Experiment (BCWEX)」. We navigated Aerosonde with the real-time Radar image at Ken-Ding weather station. The launch and recovery site is 30 km away from the radar station, then Aerosonde was remote controlled to approach the precipitation systems. We also tested the 400-km remote navigation of Aerosonde through telephone modem by Central Weather Bureau at Taipei. During BCMEX, Typhoon Rammasun approached north-eastern Taiwan, TAT moved soon to I-Lan base and launched Aerosonde there. No available reconnaissance flight in this case, because Typhoon Rammasun didn’t close the coast at all. Typhoon reconnaissance observation will be operated continuously by TAT in this year. Cooperating with GPS-dropsonde surveillance operation for W48~W60 Typhoon warning, Aerosonde takes the near-coast reconnaissance observation during W12~W24 time window. The NOAA/FSL Local Analysis and Prediction System will be used to provide hourly marine wind field for turning the flight route of Aerosonde. After the field task, LAPS will be used again to diagnose Aerosonde flight-level data.颱風觀測無人飛機探空投落送探空typhoon observationAerosondedropsonde颱風伴隨強風與豪雨之觀測與預報技術發展-子計畫:利用無人飛機探空進行颱風環流之海上現場觀測(III)