羅思嘉2019-05-012019-05-0120051606-7509https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/406101本研究分析1,048件台日韓三國所屬的遺傳工程專利以及14,140引用文獻,以了解台日韓三國在遺傳工程研究的發展狀況。研究中作者針對1,048件台日韓專利以及引用文獻進行計量分析,進行之分析包括研究產出、專利權人之布萊德福法則分析、專利與非專利引用分析以及專利聚合等。專利數計算的結果顯示,台日韓三國在遺傳工程研究的生產力或是影響力居於亞洲主導地位,其中日本為三國之冠。掌握相關技術的重要機構亦多為日本機構。從三國專利所引用的文獻以及被引文獻所屬地區分析,台日韓三國遺傳工程的發展受到美國研究相當程度的影響,其次為該國境內之研究。從科學研究與技術發展區分,科學研究對於三國遺傳工程技術的發展都有長足的影響力;專利聚合的分析結果則顯示主要研究機構之間存在技術關連集群。In this study, the author analyzed 1,048 USPTO patents granted to Taiwan, Japan and Korea by taking bibliometrics approach to reveal the development of Genetics Engineering Research in the leading three countries in Asia. The author applied the methods adopted from bibliometrics such as the research growth, analysis based on Bradford Law, citation analysis and patent coupling to analyze the 1,048 patents and 14,140 cited references. The results show that Japan is the leading country among three countries. The primary assignees were mainly based in Japan. Besides the research growth, the author also investigated the impact on the research progress. From geographic point of view, U.S. had significant impact on the technology development. Comparing public science and technology development, researches done in both sectors had high influence, but public science showed more research impact than private sector did by the numbers of citations. By the analysis result of the patent coupling, four technological clusters were identified.專利分析遺傳工程專利從專利分析看台日韓遺傳工程研究之發展journal article10.6182/jlis.2005.2(3.4).045