2004-05-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/690298摘要:一、 爭取支援參與國際科技組織,拓展國際科技合作交流管道。 二、 增進與亞太地區科技交流之實質關係,並繼續推展與亞洲科技協會各會員國之良好交流關係 三、 世界衛生組織(WHO)調查顯示,每年有逾四百萬人死於廢水未經適當處置導致之疾病流行,東南亞地區之發病率尤高。目前東南亞之新興工業國家正大量興建廢水處理廠,但常因不具有訓練優良之技術人員而致成效不彰。 <br> Abstract: During the last few years, the development of urban wastewater treatment processes has been greatly progressed in most countries. For a better life quality sanitation for urban residents is urgently required, as commented by World Health Organization (Global Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment 2000 Report). This project, under the funding of Department of International Programs of National Science Council, ROC (Taiwan), is organizing an 18-day training program for related professionals from ASCA Member countries, focused on the advanced urban wastewater treatment processes.科技合作培訓International collaboration training國際環保技術共同研究暨培訓計畫