2010-01-012024-05-15https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/663411摘要:東方果實蠅(Oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel))為臺灣主要果樹害蟲之一。由於其危害水果達八十餘種,國內、外持續從事東方果實蠅的生物特性、危害情形與族群分布偵測、誘殺劑運用與蟲害控制管理等研究。去年度本團隊已經發展出多區域整合運作特性、資料自動化收集、自動預警功能之WSN-GSM有害生物及環境資訊監測網系統。 本年度計畫將會新增一區域東方果實蠅WSN-GSM有害生物及環境資訊監測網,共計會佈署兩套網路,每一套網路包含有一台自動式路由閘道器與10個具備無線通信功能的東方果實蠅自動化誘捕計數裝置。此外,本年度亦會針對相關高效型WSN-GSM區域有害生物及環境資訊監測網之軟硬體裝置技術進行開發,並研發相關方法強化監測網路設備之野外耐候性及新增網路之環境參數擷取。針對線上查詢系統,將會針對不同類型使用者開發多類型操作介面,藉此使本系統更容易使用及推廣。最後,針對長時間所收集之感測資料,本計畫會針對相關歷史資料進行資料分析,包括出沒熱點分析及環境參數與果實蠅蟲數之依變關係比較圖。 <br> Abstract: The oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)) is one of the major pests in Taiwan which infests more than 80 different fruits, and some are economically important. Numerous pest control methods, including physical and chemical ones, have been developed for years. In last year, our research team has developed a WSN-GSM (wireless sensor network-global mobile communication system) regional monitoring network equipped with automatic data collection, automatic alerting, and multi-area parallel operation functions. In this project, the gateway will be equipped with new sensing modules to collect more environmental factors, and the automatic counting devices will consume less power. Moreover, our research team will develop a solar power supply system and strengthen the weatherability of the hardware design. By these improvements, the system will improve its performance and prolong its lifetime. Besides the improvements in hardware and software, we will develop a multi-interface website for different kinds of users, such as researchers, farmers, and managers. Each user is able to conveniently use the WSN-GSM regional monitoring system. Furthermore, our research team will analyze the history sensing data to plot hot-spot diagrams and 3D curve diagrams according to the parameters of query inputs. Finally, the improved WSN-GSM regional monitoring network will be deployed at two new orchards. Each WSN-GSM regional monitoring network will consists of one field gateway with auto-routing mechanism and ten automatic counting devices with wireless communication modules.農業自動化果園害蟲自動化監測系統無線感測器網路Agricultural automationAutomatic monitoring system of orchard pestWireless sensor networks開發果瓜實蠅及果樹、瓜類新發生疫病蟲害防疫技術-自動化疫情調查技術在重要害蟲之開發與應用