2008-08-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/680182摘要:「全球地域化」的趨勢正在席捲全球,一方面加速地塑造全球性單一價值觀,另一方面也發展各地多元並立的價值觀。在全球與地域、普遍與特殊之間的張力當中,「人是什麼」的基本問題顯得特別重要。全球地域化加速了商業與媒體的全面影響力,以致「人的價值」逐漸地瓦解成交易對象與無名受眾。起源於笛卡兒式自我的現代人自我概念正面臨現代社會高度發展所帶來的問題,其中包括後現代思潮主張去中心化帶來的全面性挑戰。 基督宗教人觀與我觀的基本主張「知人知天」、「上帝形像」與「人的墮落」,對於「人是什麼」的問題提供破中有立、立中有破的平衡觀點。自啟蒙運動以來,現代性觀點對於人的價值「立」到極致,而後現代思潮對於人的價值卻又「破」得淋漓盡致。當自我概念以笛卡兒式的「我思」做為思想主軸時,人的尊嚴就是建立在作為中心的自己身上;而當後現代思想家發揮去中心化的思考方式時,人的尊嚴就逐漸地被消解。相形之下,基督宗教的人觀與我觀,對於「立」與「破」各有拿捏,追求破中有立、立中有破的平衡觀點。 本研究計畫以問題意識為主軸,提出四個研究議題。問題意識集中在人的自我本位帶來的自我中心性與對世界開放性的對立,形成人向世界開放的阻礙,這種阻礙又帶來暫時性與永恆性的對立,前者沈浸於有限事物而寧可自我隔絕於世界之外,後者則嚮往永久價值而不斷地開放自己面對世界。從這個問題意識出發,分別提出「人性論」、「幽暗意識」、「位格問題」以及「存在問題」四個研究議題,人性論集中在對人是什麼的基本認識,幽暗意識探討人性的陰暗面,位格問題則追問人的價值核心,而存在問題關注人在時空處境下的存在,作為四個年度研究計畫目標。 <br> Abstract: The modern world has been involved into the trend of glocalization. On the one hand, the global unified valuation is being shaped rapidly. On the other hand, the local pluralistic valuation is reshaped none the less. The fundamental issues about what is human being become crucial in the tension between the global and local, the general and particular. The value of human being tends to be disintegrated into the object of trade and the anonymous audience, because glocalization has promoted overwhelming influences of commercial activities and mass media. The modern concept of self derived from the Cartesian self is facing the problems brought in by the highly developed modern society such as the challenge of decentralization of the post-modern thinking. The Christian view of the person and the self basically affirms that the knowledge of God and the knowledge of human being are connected, and human being is created in the image of God though such an image has been corrupted. It holds a balanced thinking way of both constructive and critical views of human being. In contrast with this, the modern view of human value tends to be overemphasized since the Enlightenment, but in the post-modern thinking the human value tends to be shattered thoroughly. While the Cartesian cogito (I think) has been strongly adopted by the modern thinkers, human dignity is based upon human itself. But while the decentralization of the pos-modern thinking is all-pervading, human dignity tends to be dissolved. The Christian view of the person and the self tries to find a way out of the tension, namely a balanced thinking way of both constructive and critical view of human being. This series of studies will adopt the consciousness of question as the main starting point from which four studying issues are derived as the four separate studying subjects of four years. The consciousness of question is focused upon the egocentric anthropocentrism, which causes egocentrism and hinders the openness to the world. If there is no openness to the world, human being is inclined to temporariness rather than eternity. The former would pursue anything present at any cost including isolation from the world; the latter would open to the world at the expense of self-interest because of longing for the everlasting. The four studying issues based upon this question consciousness are: On Humanity, Gloomy Consciousness, On Person and On Existence. The first is to explore the basic understanding of what is human being. The second is to study the dark side of humanity. The third is to inquire about the core value of human being. And the fourth is concerned about how the human being exists in the spatial-temporal context.優勢重點領域拔尖計畫/人文社會高等研究院/基督宗教之人觀與我觀--全球地域化潮流中基督宗教人觀與我觀對現代社會的意義