張顯達Cheung, Hintat臺灣大學:語言學研究所姚郁芬Yao, Yu-FenYu-FenYao2010-05-052018-06-282010-05-052018-06-282009U0001-2907200914042600http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/179816本研究旨在探討兒童對於中文字「在」的語言發展歷程,本篇歸納四種「在」的使用功能,分別為(1)動詞、(2)進行貌、(3)次要動詞、(4)位置標記。這些功能對幼兒而言可視為一種特殊的同音多義詞,因此,本研究欲探討幼兒對於「在」的四種不同功能所呈現的發展順序以及階段。以上四種功能中,我們假設「在」使用作為動詞以及進行貌的兩種功能習得較早,基於以下兩種原因:較簡易的句型結構以及成人的使用頻率。「在」使用作為動詞的句型結構為「在(動詞)+名詞(地點)」;而「在」使用作進行貌的句型結構為「在(進行貌)+動詞(動作)」。依據以上兩種功能,幼兒對於「在」的語言發展歷程可能出現兩種假設:幼兒在早期可能將這兩種功能視為同一種結構,產生交替使用的現象;反之,幼兒在早期獨立發展「在」的兩種功能,呈現互補的現象。本研究採取兩種研究方法進行更深一層的探討,分別是兒童口語語料分析以及IPL理解作業,兒童口語語料主要探究兒童對於「在」的四種功能表現,而IPL理解作業主要測試兩歲半前的幼兒對於「在」為動詞以及進行貌的理解程度,口語語料分析的結果發現「在」使用作為動詞以及進行貌的確較早習得,兩者皆在幼兒一歲九個月時發現,其次是「在」使用作為次要動詞,發現使用於兩歲,「在」使用作為位置標記發展最晚,在兩歲一個月時才在語料中發現,因此,口語語料分析進一步證實「在」使用作為動詞以及進行貌的兩種功能的顯著性以及重要性;此外,語料中並未找到這兩種功能的交替使用,這更進一步說明「在」使用作為動詞以及進行貌是獨立發展。在IPL理解作業結果中發現幼兒對於「在」使用作為進行貌的功能有較大反應,對於相對應的螢幕注視較久,反映出在影片觀看過程中,進行貌的功能較吸引幼兒,即便如此,「在」為動詞以及進行貌的兩種功能依舊對於幼兒而言擁有極高的顯著性。此兩種研究方式的結果更進一步說明幼兒在兩歲左右,已經對於「在」為動詞以及進行貌的兩種功能有著相當程度的口說以及理解能力。This study aims to investigate children’s developmental path in the uses of four types of zai4 as: (1) a verb, (2) a progressive aspect marker, (3) a secondary verb, and (4) a locative marker. Since these functions of zai4 can be viewed as special kind of polysemies or homonyms, we want to examine in what order do Mandarin-speaking children acquire these four different types of zai4. Among the four varieties of zai4, the use of the main verb zai4 and the progressive aspect marker zai4 may be acquired earlier than the others, according to the consideration of structural complexity and frequency. The main verb zai4 is constructed in the form [zai4(V) + N(location)] while the progressive aspect marker zai4 [zai4(progressive aspect marker) + V(action)]. Two hypothetical developmental paths are examined: (1) Overlapping Distribution-there is initially only one zai4 in children’s language system, and they interchangeably use zai4 as a verb and as a progressive aspect marker at the early stage. (2) Complementary distribution-there are initially two types of zai4, and children use zai4 as a verb and as a progressive aspect marker. For the purpose of unveiling the developmental path of zai4 in Mandarin-speaking children, two methods are used in this study: (1) analysis of children’s spontaneous speech, and (2) comprehension of zai4 by using Intermodal Preferential Looking. The result in the language sample shows supports that the main verb zai4 and the progressive aspect marker zai4 are first produced at the age of 1; 9, which is earlier than the secondary verb zai4 at the age of 2;0 and the locative marker zai4 at the age of 2;1. The synchronic development of these two functions suggested that both should be equally salient for children to capture at the same time. In addition, the main verb zai4 and the progressive zai4 are used in separate linguistic contexts and are found no overlapping in the use of these two functions by children. Results of the comprehension test on children at age two show that the function associated with progressive zai4 is slightly more salient, as reflected by a longer fixation time in the test conditions of zai4 used as a progressive aspect marker. Despite the minute advantage of progressive zai4 in the experimental tasks, zai4 as a main verb and as a progressive aspect marker show equal footing in children’s production and comprehension at around two years old.List of Figures…………………………………………………………vist of Tables………………………………………………………vi hapter 1 Introduction………………………………………………1.1 Rationale……………………………………………………………1.2 Acquisition of Verbs and Progressive Aspect Marker……10.3 Research Question and Analytical Procedure………………15.4 Organization………………………………………………………20hapter 2 Analyses of Spontaneous Language Samples…………21.1 The Revised Types of zai4 Examined in this Study………21.2 Children’s Uses of zai4 in Spontaneous Speech…………24.2.1 Background Information of Language Samples Analyzed.24.2.2 Type I: Children’s Use of zai4 as a Main Verb………25.2.3 Type II: Children’s Use of zai4 as a Progressive Aspect Marker…………………………………………………………28.2.4 Type III: Children’s Use of zai4 as a Secondary Verb………………………………………………………………………31.2.5 Type IV: Children’s Use of zai4 as a Locative Marker……………………………………………………………………32.2.6 Children’s Errors in the Use of zai4…………………34.2.7 Analytical Tools and General Data Analysis……………43.3 Adults’ Use of zai4 and Its Correlation with Children’s Use…………………………………………………………………49.4 Summary and Discussion…………………………………………52hapter 3 Experiment-Intermodal Preferential Looking (IPL)……………………………………………………………………………55.1 Method………………………………………………………………55.2 Design………………………………………………………………56.2.1 Apparatus………………………………………………………57.2.2 Material…………………………………………………………57.3 Participants and procedure……………………………………65.3.1 Participants……………………………………………………65.3.2 Procedure………………………………………………………67.3.3 Coding……………………………………………………………68.4 Analysis and Result……………………………………………69.4.1 The Rate of Visual Fixation Time…………………………69.4.2 The Rate of Visual Fixation Time in Different Groups……………………………………………………………………71.4.3 Subject-Based Analysis………………………………………73.5 Summary and Discussion…………………………………………75hapter 4 General Discussion and Conclusion…………………79.1 General Discussion of the Findings…………………………79.2 Limitations and Implications…………………………………84.3 Conclusion…………………………………………………………84eference………………………………………………………………86ppendices………………………………………………………………91ppendix 1: IPL Experiment Design………………………………91ppendix 2: Coding Sheet……………………………………………95ppendix 3: Subjects’ Performance Patterns…………………96ist of Tablesable 2.1. Summary of Four Revised Types of zai4……………23able 2.2. Information of Eight Language Examples…………24able 2.3. Children’s Errors in the Use of zai4 as a Main Verb………………………………………………………………………35able 2.4. Children’s Errors in the Use of zai4 as a Progressive Aspect Marker…………………………………………37able 2.5. Children’s Errors in the Use of zai4 as a Secondary Verb…………………………………………………………39able 2.6. Children’s Errors in the Use of zai4 as a Locative Marker………………………………………………………41able 2.7. The Production of zai4 and Children’s Number from Age 1;9 to 4;3…………………………………………………44able 2.8. First Use and Tokens of zai4 in Children’s Production………………………………………………………………45able 2.9. Individual Contribution to Four Types of zai4 from age 1;9 to 2;6…………………………………………………48able 2.10. Adults’ Input versus Children’s Output……………………………………………………………………50able 3.1. The Experimental Arrangement in Four Blocks……………………………………………………………………58able 3.2. Arrangement of IPL Experimental Trials in Block 1…………………………………………………………………………64able 3.3. Details of Each Participant’s Information……………………………………………………………66able 3.4. Subjects’ Information in Two Groups……………………………………………………………………71able 3.5. The Mean Percentage of Fixation Time in Two Groups……………………………………………………………………72able 3.6. Overall Subjects’ performance in each test block……………………………………………………………………74ist of Figuresigure 2.1. Percentage in Four Types of zai4 Based on Children’s MLU………………………………………………………47igure 2.2. Adults’ Input and Children’s Output in the Use of Main Verb zai4………………………………………………51igure 2.3. Adults’ Input and Children’s Output in the Use of Progressive zai4……………………………………………51igure 2.4. Adults’ Input and Children’s Output in the Use of Secondary Verb zai4…………………………………………51igure 2.5. Adults’ Input and Children’s Output in the Use of Locative Marker zai4………………………………………51igure 3.1. Stimuli Films in IPL Design……………………………………………………………………62igure 3.2. The Percentage of Fixation Time to the Correct Scenes……………………………………………………………………69application/pdf1011371 bytesapplication/pdfen-US位置結構時貌動詞習得學習機制同音字IPL理解作業語言習得locative constructionsaspect markeracquisition of verbslearning mechanismhomonymsIPL experimentlanguage acquisition「在」的語言發展歷程研究The Early Development of zai4 in Mandarin-Speaking Childrenhttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/179816/1/ntu-98-R94142010-1.pdf