2019-01-012024-05-17https://scholars.lib.ntu.edu.tw/handle/123456789/684410摘要:近代 AI 與科技發展,無不跟語言學有所關連。本計畫旨在篩選與培育2019國際語言奧林匹亞競賽之臺灣代表隊國手,並培養中學生語言學相關知識與素養,希望語言學在台灣的發展可以從研究所延伸至大學、中學,並逐漸廣為人知。<br> Abstract: The thriving development of AI and technology could be all connected to linguistics. This project aims to select and nurture the national team of the 2019 international linguistics Olympia competition, and cultivate the linguistic knowledge and literacy of middle school students.We expect that the linguistics development in Taiwan can be extended from research institutes to universities, middle schools, and gradually become widely known.語言學語言學教育語奧LinguisticsLinguistics in EducationIOL2019國際語言奧林匹亞競賽-臺灣代表隊培育計畫