逄愛君臺灣大學:資訊工程學研究所黃宇傑Huang, Yu-JieYu-JieHuang2007-11-262018-07-052007-11-262018-07-052004http://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw//handle/246246/53847IP 移動性支援在無線通訊日新月異,突飛猛進的成長下變成十分重要。行動式IP提供了強而有力的IP移動性支援。行動式IP被定義在IETF RFC2002中,然而原本的行動式IP卻有一些網路安全性的弱點暴露出來。 在這篇論文中,我們提供了一個基於行動式IP動態改變繞送路徑的機制,它可以減少在網路上資料被未經授權的駭客截取的機率。改變繞送路徑除了可以提升安全性外,更可以分散網路的流量。同時我們可以根據不同資料安全性的需求而調整改變路徑的頻率。儘管訊息的會對網路造成負擔,但是它卻可以在網路的安全上跟分散流量上獲得補償。I would like to express my sincere thanks to my advisors, Prof. Ai-Chun Pang. Without her supervision and perspicacious advice, I can not complete this thesis. Thanks also to the colleagues in Personal Communications Services and Wireless VoIP Laboratory. I also would like to express my thanks to Dr. Jin-Cheng Huang and my dear friends Yung-Feng and Kenji for their encouragements and suggestions. Finally, I am grateful to my dear parents and brother for their unfailing love and firmly support.Abstract ............................................ i 1. Introduction ....................................... 1 2. Related Works ....................................3 2.1 Mobile IP ....................................3 2.1.1 Overview of Mobile IP ..................3 2.1.2 Hierarchical Mobile IP ..................5 2.2. Security ................................ 7 2.2.1. Mobile IP Security Issues ..................... 7 2.2.2. Overview of Various Encryption Schemes .........9 2.2.3. Overview of Various Cipher Attacks.............11 2.2.4. Power Consumption versus Encryption Overhead...13 3. Design of Dynamic Routing by Hierarchical Mobile IP .......14 3.1 The Consideration of Small Scale Change..............16 3.1.1 The Consideration of Foreign Agent..............16 3.1.2 The Consideration of IP Address................21 3.2 The Consideration of Medium Scale Change............22 3.3 The Consideration of Large Scale Change..............25 4. Simulation Results .................................30 4.1 Single Trip Time Measure under Load Sharing Consideration.....................................31 4.2 Jitter Test.....................................33 4.3 Route Control Message Overhead Test................35 5. Conclusions and Future Works.........................371226355 bytesapplication/pdfen-US行動式IP網路安全安全性移動性Mobile IPNetwork SecurityMobilitysecurity以Mobile IP為基礎之動態路由設計Design of Dynamic Routing Based on Mobile IPthesishttp://ntur.lib.ntu.edu.tw/bitstream/246246/53847/1/ntu-93-R91922092-1.pdf